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Managing Campaign Activities

Last post 01-07-2013 5:08 PM by Method_Adam. 1 replies.
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  • 01-07-2013 4:12 PM

    Managing Campaign Activities

    Is there a way to best manage activities assigned to specific campaigns? IE is there a way to delete all campaigns associated with one campaign, instead of individually going through and deleting them? Sometimes there are an upwards of 500 activities and this process is rediculously time-consuming and monotonous. HELP! Also, if we set the campaign to be due on a specific date will this make the activity disappear after that date? Thank you!

  • 01-07-2013 5:08 PM In reply to

    Re: Managing Campaign Activities



    You can use the import/export tool, filter using the campaign number and change the status to 'cancelled'.  I don't think you'd want to delete alll of the activities, for historical puposes.  If you want to delete them, you'd have to do that through customization.  For more information on the import/export tool, check out the Help Center acticle here:

    If the campaign is set to be due on a specific date, the activities will still show, as the filter by view is set to select all or all before or on the current day.  You could set a custom filter by view to filter them out.  To do that you will need to edit the activity grid on the screen, and set it to filter out the activities you don't want.  Perhaps something like future activities, as long as the current date is before the due date.  

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
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