Hi Charles,
I believe the action is working, however depending on what you're tyring to see, the value may not updating just yet. For instance, in my example, I added the IsFullyInvoiced field to the Existing Sales Oders grid. The grid does update, however that field in particular will update after the invoice is sent to QuickBooks and QuickBooks sends information back and updates that field. This may take 5 to 10 seconds to update. The refresh grid action (action 12 in the OnClosePopup event) is completing before that field is updating, which is why you don't see any change. In my example, if you click the refresh button on the grid a few more times, that field will update.
Would your scenario be similar to this one? Might it be waiting for QuickBooks to update, and therefore not showing a change? There are some fields that Method lets QuickBooks handle as far as updating. With these fields, Method will send the information to QuickBooks and let QuickBooks update field like IsFullyInvoiced or the RefNumber fields. This information needs to be sent back to Method. This process is likely taking longer than the actions in Method are taking to complete. This is likely why you are not seeing any changes.
- Adam