To help answer this one, we’ll have to take a quick step back and start with the foundation. We know that every screen is built off of a particular table. We also know that every grid displays information from its specified table which we as the user specify in the grid properties. Attached and unattached are the two options you will see moving forward.
Attached: ‘I want to choose a Table that is linked to the Screen's Table.’
With this option choose a table that has an existing relationship with the table the current screen is built from. The grid will display filtered information based on the current screens active record. In other words, records that are children of the screens selected record.
Attached Sub-Grid: ‘I want to insert a sub grid, that is linked and embedded to an existing grid.’
We’ve decided to remove this option all together. It was similar to the Attached option above but used the selected record from the parent grid rather than the screens active record ID and displayed it as an embedded grid. This option will soon be removed.
Detached: ‘I want to choose a Table that is not linked to the Screen's Table.’
With this option choose the table the grid will be built from. This grid’s table will be independent of any other table or grid related to the current screen.
Great question,
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Valbon Shabani
Director of Education
Method Integration Inc.
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