I have two questions...
1) Are you able to adjust the session timout length?
2) One of my users is trying to synch using both the full and changes only synch methods and is getting the spinning wheel for about 4-5 seconds and the screen returns and to it's previous state. The synch is not going through for some reason. They are synching from a computer with quickbooks open and are logged into their method account. Can you provide any insight as to why this is happening and what we need to do to synch.
Hi David,
1) You can adjust this setting within your Method account. Go to Customize > My Account and click on User Password Preferences in the Change My Account Settings section of the screen. Here you will find the field Minimum minutes Method is idle before asking for login.
2) Ensure that each user has the Method Integration Engine installed on each of their computers. If that is not the problem, have you tried our troubleshooting articles in our Help Center? In particular I would try these articles to see if they help:
- Jason
What happened to this setting? I don't see it in my accounts (M:C).
Hi there,
We removed this setting a few years back after the introduction of the universal MethodID. If you are finding the timeout length in your Classic account is too short, shoot me an email at Success@method.me and we can Extend the timeout length for your account / users manually.
What is the default timeout length currently?
Hi Brett,
Sorry, must have missed your reply!
I believe the default timeout length in Method:Classic is 120mins - but as I mentioned we can change this value on our end :)
In Method:New - there is no Timeout length.
Thanks Brett!
No worries...thanks!