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Occurrence work orders question

Last post 03-12-2013 10:55 AM by Method_Jason. 2 replies.
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  • 03-11-2013 8:53 PM

    Occurrence work orders question


    This button worked in QBD and this button works with series work orders in QBO.

    This custom button took the workorders, took the frist line item from the work order and sent each customer emails to let them know the day of service.  

    Now this button only works with series/one time work orders. 

    If there are no job items in the occurrance work order i get a error messae saying "cant be preformed" its getting hung up on a Start Loop of the activityjobitmes table. 

    When i go into the occurrance work order, press the "copy job items from series workorder" the items then fill in the line items in the work order and now my button works great with no error message.

    Is there a special action to get those items in the activityjobitem table?  I could not find or think of a way to get this going.


    John M 

  • 03-12-2013 10:00 AM In reply to

    • Matt
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • Joined on 11-04-2008
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    Re: Occurrence work orders question



    For occurences of a series, job items get added to the work order in one of 3 ways:

    1. You print a route list from the work order list screen.

    2. You open the job on a mobile device.

    3. You click the Copy job items from series button.

    To do what you are looking to do, you will want to mimick the logic of one of those action sets. before grabbing the first job item and using it to send the email, first check to see if there are any job items. If there are, you're ready to send the email. If there are not, you would then copy the job items from the series and can then continue to send the email after that.

    Matt Raiser



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  • 03-12-2013 10:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Occurrence work orders question


    Thanks Matt! 

    Additionally, if you click the Update Selected Work Orders... tab in the Work Order List screen and change the status (i.e. from Not Started to In Progress) the items will be copied in all updated occurences


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