Hi Ashur,
What I'm trying to produce looks like this:
(overdue invoices and charges)
Name Collection Note 30 90 Dial Status Due Date Commitment Age Balance
1 – 30 days
Customer Collection Note 1 5 yes/no active 12/15/2012 12/18/2013 24 1097.12
Total 1 – 30 <Sub-Total>
31 – 90
Customer Collection Note 1 5 yes/no active 12/15/2012 12/18/2013 24 1097.12
Total 1 – 90 <Sub-Total>
> 90
Customer Collection Note 1 5 yes/no active 12/15/2012 12/18/2013 24 1097.12
Total >90 <Sub-Total>
Store is custom field Customer.Store and is used as a filter in the Generate Report action.
A/R account is Customer.Transaction.Customer.Account field, and could be used as a filter in the Generate Report action, I hope,
but that may not work as I think I can only use one table for filtering there. In that case I would create multiple report versions
for the A/R account I wish to use, and select as appropriate.
Name is Customer.fullname field.
Collection Note, Dial Status and Commitment are all custom Customer table fields.
Balance is Sum(Customer.Transaction.Customer.Amount) where Transaction.DueDate is in range of aging group (ie. 1-30, 31-90, or >90)
30 is Count of Activities of type Phone per customer for last 30 days
90 is Count of Activities of type Phone per customer for last 90 days
Due date is the latest Transaction.DueDate per customer per aging group
ie. Group Summary value Max(Customer.Transaction.Customer.DueDate) for transactions of type Invoice or Charge.
Age is calculated field (Today() - DueDate), which gives rise to the question: Is there a way to use a summary field in a different calculated field?
So, to summarize, I'm try to create collection reports (by store and by A/R account types) for overdue invoices and charges sorted
by customer and aging group. Only one line per customer per aging group allowed, with it being the summary for any multiple entries
per group.
Hopefully this clarifies what I'm trying to do, and helps you to give me some pointers on this.