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Dropdown linking

Last post 03-18-2013 1:19 PM by Method_Adam. 4 replies.
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  • 03-14-2013 9:38 AM

    Dropdown linking

    Is it possible for a dropdown to be treated as a field so another dropdown can pull from it? For example if a customer and a lead were connected through work orders etc where the customer uses our product to help create a finished product that they then sell to a lead, and in this case I already have a dropdown in my edit lead screen that is populated with customers that use our product as a material within their own, then can I create a dropdown in the edit customer screen that will pull all of the leads with the dropdowns populated with customers? 


  • 03-14-2013 1:26 PM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown linking

    Hi Matt,

    A dropdown can only hold one value at a time.  Just so I understand what you're trying to accomplish, are you trying to find a way to list all of the leads that are using your customer's product on the edit customer screen?

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 03-14-2013 1:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown linking



    If you're trying to find a way to list the leads connected to a customer, you could create a grid based on the customer table and filter it using the dropdown you created in the Leads screen.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 03-18-2013 9:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown linking

    A grid is not a bad idea. What I am wanting though is the grid to be located in the Edit Customer screen and not the Leads screen. Would it still be able to filter the leads based upon a dropdown entry located with in the Leads screen ex: if the lead had one of our customers entered as a "fabricator" in the dropdown within the Edit Lead screen then it could be pulled into the grid located in the Edit Customer screen, while one that had no entry selected in the dropdown it would not be pulled, or would I have to add an extra field into the screen for it to pull from since dropdowns are not fields?

  • 03-18-2013 1:19 PM In reply to

    Re: Dropdown linking


    One thing to understand is that Leads and Customers use the same table.  The only difference between a Lead and a Customer is a field called IsLeadStatusOnly.  When this is set to "True", it signifies that this record is a Lead.  All Customers have this field set to False.  To see this for yourself, if you export the Customer and Lead table you can see that all of your Leads have this set.

    Now going back to your original question, you can absolutely have the grid in the Edit Customer screen.  You can still filter by your dropdown since that dropdown would have to be added to the Customer table, which holds both Customers and Leads.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
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