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Too much info on Estimate

Last post 03-18-2013 3:52 PM by Method_Ashur. 1 replies.
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  • 03-18-2013 10:04 AM

    Too much info on Estimate

    Good morning. I've done up a test estimate to make sure I know what I'm doing! How can I make it so that only the description of the service item shows up, not the cost breakdown? The only cost I want on there is a total for all items, HST amount and then final total.

    Background: I have a maid service business and don't want to show the breakdown of how much the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room are individually, just the total cost for the home.



  • 03-18-2013 3:52 PM In reply to

    Re: Too much info on Estimate


    Hi ElginMaid,

    You have 2 options here; either hide the appropriate fields, or use Group Items instead of separate items. However depending on how your pricing/packages work, the second option may not be a viable solution. To hide the fields on the grid you can just create a copy of the screen, edit the grid, then marked them to be hidden under the Advanced options for each field.

    - Ashur

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    Ashur Shamon
    Lead Solutions Specialist, Professional Services
    Method Integration Inc.
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