The problem is similar if not identical to an earlier post I made "
Error In Advanced Screen Settings".
The primary difference is that I am placing the actions under the "OnPopUpClose" Event instead of OnScreenLoad.
Full Example If Needed
step 1
Screen 1 holds a button that when clicked does the following:
1) Assign field value to shared result.
2) Open screen 2 in pop-up.
step 2
Screen 2 undergoes the following "OnScreenLoad" actions:
1) Retrieves value from shared result -> placing it in an action result: "Parent".
2) Conditional IF (Parent is not null).
3) Change view filter to my custom filter.
4) Refresh the grid on which view was changed.
5) End Conditional *
step 3
Screen 2 undergoes the following "OnPopUpClose" actions when closed:
1) Set Action_Result->Parent to null.
2) Set my custom shared result to null.
3) Reset Grid to default view.
Problem: Step 3 does not appear to be working.
Test Done: Set up a button on screen to do the same actions as "OnPopUpClose".
Results: Actions correctly occured using button.
Summary: Problem seems rooted in "OnScreenPopUp" Event appropriately calling actions.
Let me know how this goes or if i have misunderstood the use of something.