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Duplicating Calendar Settings

Last post 03-21-2013 8:48 AM by Method_Adam. 1 replies.
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  • 03-20-2013 2:14 PM

    Duplicating Calendar Settings

    I'm trying to duplicate a calendar within the 'My Calendar' screen to show seperate calendars in order to reflect the availability of multiple conference rooms.  I would also like the calendar to have the same functions as the current calendar that is already in the screen.  Is there a way I can duplicate the calendar or do I have to create a new one from scratch?

  • 03-21-2013 8:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Duplicating Calendar Settings


    Hi Ben,

    There wouldn't be a way to copy the calendar object (and all of its settings).  If I'm reading this correctly, you want to to have multiple calendars show on the same screen, for instance one underneath another?  For this you'll have to drag another calendar object onto the screen and go through the wizard as you did with the first one.

    Here's a good article on calendar resources that may help you with this project: Calendar Help Center Article

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
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