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Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax

Last post 04-02-2013 8:39 AM by Method_Adam. 9 replies.
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  • 03-27-2013 5:55 AM

    Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax


    have a couple of issues I'd like experts thoughts on.

    1. If I create an invoice in method and someone in the office creates one direct in Quickbooks, at around the same time, we get duplicate invoice numbers - surely this should be impossible ? How long should it take for method to talk to quickbooks after creating invoice in method. How can we avoid this ?

    2. If I create an invoice in method it does NOT calculate the tax correctly. When it talks to Quickbooks it then adjusts to the correct tax. This is a problem as method emails our customers an incorrect invoice !

    example. Net value of £51.27. Method calculates 20% tax at £10.26 (that is wrong), when invoice gets to quickbooks it's corrected to £10.25 (that is right).

    help please...

  • 03-27-2013 12:30 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax


    For 1.   Yes you will get duplicate numbers in this instance if you allow Method to assign ref numbers.  This is because this number is attached to the RefNumber field which is not unique. If you were to change this number in Quickbooks to a number already in use, you might see an error similar to the following:

    The best way to avoid this would be to have only Quickbooks assign the ref numbers.  This way, when an invoice is created in Method it will sync with Quickbooks.  Then Quickbooks will assign a ref number and sync this back over to Method.  Duplicates can be avoided as the only program assigning ref numbers will be Quickbooks.  You can find that setting under Quickbooks > Syncronize

    For 2.  I tested this on my account using an item with a price of $51.27 and a tax at 20%. With the sync engine disconnected, Method calculates the tax to $10.25.  Can you verify the tax setting in Method?  You can find the tax setting in the item list in Method.  

    - Adam


    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 03-27-2013 12:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax

    thanks for reply

    1. I've disabled ref numbers in Method until all users switch to Method full-time

    2. I've checked the tax setting, it's 20%. Just did a sales order in Method with Quickbooks disconnected. See screenshow below...

    how is this possible ? As you know it should be £10.25 tax

  • 03-27-2013 1:10 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax


    What's showing under the tax column is the name of the tax item and not the actual value.  To find the value you can open the item in Method.  Go to the Quickbooks tab group > Lists tab > Item tab link.  Find the %20 item in the list and open it.  You should see something like this:

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 03-28-2013 2:13 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax


    I've already checked our tax rates and they are active at 20%.

    I've updated my image above to highlight the problem - the tax total - it shows £10.26 , not £10.25

    Clearly Method is rounding up when it shouldn't be - what's the solution here....


  • 03-28-2013 10:16 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax

    The basic functions of Method are the same across all accounts, and mine is not rounding up.  Could you email me your Method account name and enable the MethodSupport user?  You can do this by going to Customize > Users and checking the checkbox next to the MethodSupport user.



    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 03-28-2013 10:38 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax

    ok, done - you have mail...

  • 03-28-2013 5:00 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax


    Hi Miles,

    I took a look and I think I found the invoice you are referring to. I need to do some additional testing as I broke down the math and it appears to be calculating the tax on an individual item level, causing tax on some items to round up to the nearest cent.  If this happens on two items, you'd end up with a one cent difference.  Method will apply the tax the same way as Quickbooks.  The invoice I found had the same extra cent value.  Could you confirm invoice 22339 is the same in Method as in your Quickbooks?



    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 03-29-2013 2:36 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax


    invoice 22339 is the same in quickbooks.

    Sales order 23201 is my example. When entered in method it had the incorrect tax as per above screenshot. When method synced with quickbooks it changed to the correct amount.

    If we are using method then the whole sales order to payment process could take just 5 mins, meaning a client is incorrectly invoiced from method, pays the wrong amount and we have an accounting nightmare down the line.

    It's Bank holiday in UK so I won't be back online until Tues...

  • 04-02-2013 8:39 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem - duplicate invoice numbers and miscalculated tax



    I've created a case for you and responded there.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
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