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Hello Method team

Last post 03-29-2013 2:24 PM by Method_Ashur. 1 replies.
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  • 03-29-2013 10:12 AM

    Hello Method team

    How can I make available tags checkbox selection directly in my Lead/Customer list grids?

    At the moment I set it up the way that allows to write text in the tag field directly in the Lead/Customer grid. But I want to have checkbox selection for it.

    Appreciate beforehand for your help.

  • 03-29-2013 2:24 PM In reply to

    Re: Hello Method team


    Hi MuratLuna,

    Just to make sure I'm understanding you correctly, you want the ability to have the tags show up as checkboxes in your Contacts grid, correct? If so, this can't be done. The reason being is that the TagsList field stores text values, not checkbox (Yes/No) values. Each column on the grid holds the values of one field from it's related table, so you can't have multiple tags show up as separate checkboxes inside each cell of the TagsList column, i.e. the Yes/No value for each tag inside the TagsList field. It's similar to putting multiple cars in a single car garage. Hope this clarifies things for you.

    - Ashur

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    Ashur Shamon
    Lead Solutions Specialist, Professional Services
    Method Integration Inc.
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