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Last post 04-25-2013 8:52 AM by Method_Adam. 6 replies.
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  • 04-24-2013 9:33 AM


    Is there a way to assign a work order totally to a subcontractor and when it is completed, it will create a bill to pay the subcontractor?

  • 04-24-2013 10:58 AM In reply to

    Re: Subcontractors


    Hi mfaulkner

    Yes, there's a way to this but would involve a bit of customization.   You should already be able to add the vendor/subcontractor time.   The next step would be to add customizations that created the bill.

    Mark Crews
    Cloud Consultancy
    Principal and Developer

    • 2012 MethodCRM Partner of the Year

    • 2012 MethodCRM Community Excellence Award

    • 2011 MethodCRM Community Excellence Award

    Visit our website to find out about our training, support, and customization services.
    ph: 434.326.1601

    What is Method?
  • 04-24-2013 11:11 AM In reply to

    Re: Subcontractors

    How  do we do that and how long would it take? I have close to 100 reoccuring jobs each week that are mowing of houses that we sub 100% out, our current software is outdated, however we wont change because of the fact that it creates the bills for the subcontractor and keeps my staff on task.

  • 04-24-2013 11:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Subcontractors

    You'll probably want to contact either your business solution consultant at Method directly or one of Method's solution providers.  Here's the link to the solution providers page:

    Mark Crews
    Cloud Consultancy
    Principal and Developer

    • 2012 MethodCRM Partner of the Year

    • 2012 MethodCRM Community Excellence Award

    • 2011 MethodCRM Community Excellence Award

    Visit our website to find out about our training, support, and customization services.
    ph: 434.326.1601

    What is Method?
  • 04-24-2013 12:02 PM In reply to

    Re: Subcontractors

    Mark - Thanks assist on this. :)

    mfaulkner - Like Mark said, this can be customized.  The difficulty really depends on whether you need to include the time tracking entries.  If not, you could simply add a button to create the bill when you complete the work order, using the insert into table action and pulling the information (Vendor, item, customer, etc).  Including time tracking entries can make things a bit more complicated.  As Mark stated, you can contact one our Method Solution Providers or one of our in-house consultants.  Here is our page on our consulting options: Method Consultants

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
  • 04-24-2013 12:16 PM In reply to

    Re: Subcontractors

    Yeah, there is no time tracking involved. It is a standard amount that is invoiced to the customer and a standard amount paid the the subcontractor.

  • 04-25-2013 8:52 AM In reply to

    Re: Subcontractors


    This would be a rather simple customization then.  You could ceate a Method user as your subcontractor and attach a vendor to them.  Then you can add a couple of actions to the save button on the Work Order.  One to check if the work order is completed, and if it is, then one to create the bill as I stated above.  If you'd like to speak with a consultant about this, you can let me know.  You can also speak to a Method Solution Provider as well.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
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