Ever feel like you can’t get enough windows to appear on the screen? Or need to minimize the ones that are open because you can’t view two windows at a time?
If you’re using a monitor that is only capable of viewing screen resolutions of 800 X 600, it might time to update your monitor or video card. In the case of a laptop, you’ll be out of luck and need to replace the laptop since the video card is built in. Not to mention, with a laptop, you can’t exactly upgrade the monitor seeing as it is attached to the rest of the hardware.
Today the average laptop and desktop computer is capable of displaying resolutions of 1024 X 768 or higher. In fact, many web site designers are now starting to use 1024 X 768 screen displays as the standard for designing web pages. The advantage of course is that more information can be displayed on the screen at one time.
Method uses 1024 X 768 as the standard for display resolutions. Anything smaller than 1024 X 768, you’ll have trouble viewing or performing functions in Method. That being said, we don’t support screen sizes with resolutions less than 1024 X 768.
In some cases changing your screen resolution is a quick fix. I’ve included a couple of links for instructions on changing screen resolutions on Windows Vista and XP machines.
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Oh, if you’re having trouble selecting anything higher than 800 X 600, that’s the bad news. Your video card can’t support it! 
So what size screen resoultion are YOU currently using?
If you aren't sure how to check your current screen resoultion, refer to the steps outlined in this posting.
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