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Multiple tables on one screen & Error when copying a screen

Last post 08-31-2011 12:23 PM by Method_Michael. 5 replies.
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  • 05-26-2008 7:29 PM

    Multiple tables on one screen & Error when copying a screen

    I'm having trouble figuring out how to get multiple tables on one screen.  I created a screen (called EnterCCcharges on the vendor tab in the customaccounting company) for entering credit card charges.  It looks like I need to use both the "creditcardcharge" and "creditcardlineexpense" tables to be able to input all of the data I need.  I figured out how to add another section to the screen, but I don't see how to get the other table into that section. 

    I also tried to copy the "Check" screen (using "Check(2)" for the new screen name) but got an error message "THE LOGIN '' WAS NOT DETECTED." 

    -Mary Longacre


    -Mary Longacre
  • 05-27-2008 7:57 AM In reply to

    Re: Multiple tables on one screen & Error when copying a screen


    Looks like Danny isn't going to be in today, so I'll step in and help out.

    First of all, in terms of copying the "Check" screen to use as your base for Credit Card Charge: great thinking, however, that's not going to work.  Each screen has a base table that you choose when you first create the screen.  You can't later change that base table.  The Check screen will need to be based on the "Check" table.  The Credit Card Charge screen will need to be based on the "CreditCardCharge" table.  So you need to start from scratch in this situation.

    Second of all, the "LOGIN '' WAS NOT DETECTED" is a bug.  We haven't figure it out yet.  For some reason your session's login cookies are timing out, so you'll get this if you have been signed into Method for a while.  The solution for copying screens when you get this error is to simply sign out, sign back in, and then copy the screen and it will work fine.  We'll get this sorted out sometime in the near future.

    Now, on to your Credit Card Charge screen.  This is fun, because we didn't include that in our basic QuickBooks template.  I just tried it myself, and was able to create the world's ugliest CreditCardCharge screen in less than 3 minutes, so if you put real effort behind it, you'll be able to make it look as good as the Check screen.  To do it right, though, involves a lot of concepts, that are definitely worth you learning - as I promise they will be a great benefit to you down the road.

    If you get stuck, we can see if we can persuade Danny to create a Credit Card Charge screen and post it up to the Method Library for you to Copy.  But I would like to see how far you get along first.


    1. Create a brand new screen, based on the CreditCardCharge Table.

    2. Insert 4 sections:
    Section 1 - "Existing Credit Card Charges",
    Section 2 - "Add / Edit Credit Card Charge"
    Section 3 - "Expenses"
    Section 4 - "Items"

    3. Drag a grid to the first section. Go through the wizard, using CreditCardCharge as the table in step1.  Put a Select link, and a few important fields like PayeeEntity, TxnDate and RefNumber in step 2.

    4. In section 2 drag the fields you want in your header on, like  "Account", "TxnDate", "PayeeEntity", etc.

    5. In section 3 drag a grid in. Go through the wizard, this time using CreditCardChargeExpense as the table in step1.  In step 2 add the columns you would like to see.  In step 5 and step 6, make sure you allow edits and allow adds, respectively.

    6. In section 3 drag two buttons on. Edit the first button to have the caption of "Save" and in step 2 have the action of "Save All Sections".  Edit the second button to have the caption of "Clear / New" and in step 2 have the action of "Clear Screen For New Entry".

    7. In section 4 drag a grid in. Go through the wizard, this time using CreditCardChargeItem as the table in step1.  In step 2 add the columns you would like to see.  In step 5 and step 6, make sure you allow edits and allow adds, respectively.

    8. In section 4 drag two buttons on. Edit the first button to have the caption of "Save" and in step 2 have the action of "Save All Sections".  Edit the second button to have the caption of "Clear / New" and in step 2 have the action of "Clear Screen For New Entry".

    9. Now, let's make this look nicer so that the first section appears on the left, and section 3 and section 4 appear in tabs.  Click the Advanced button to edit the "Advanced Screen Properties", and (i) select "Show in tabs", (ii) choose "Tab starts at Section 3", (iii) put a check in the "Show First Section To Left Of Screen" checkbox.

    10. Publish and have a look at your work. really clean it up, have a look to see how other screens work, such as the Check screen.  You can go in there, edit the Check screen, and have a look at what happens on every button, so you can see how you can really start to polish off your own screen.  Things to look for:
    a) Look at the actions for the PayeeEntity dropdown list.  The screen saves when a payee is chosen.
    b) Edit the grid wizard for the CheckLineItems and have a look at the Actions for "Item" in step 2 of the wizard.  We have functionality in there that grab the price and description from the Item table and use that in the grid, simulating what you'd see in QuickBooks.
    c) Have a look for other actions that take place on the buttons.

    Certainly a tall order for a this gets a little hard core.  But if you can design this screen based on what I have provided are on your way to designing ANYTHING.

    Let us know how you get on.



  • 08-30-2011 3:49 PM In reply to

    • DanSchmidt
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    • Kansas City, MO
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    Re: Multiple tables on one screen & Error when copying a screen

    I followed these steps to set up a Credit Card transaction entry screen.  However, when I click Save/New, I'm setting an error message that reads "The 'Save' action could not be completed.Validation on: RecordID.Validation rule: must a numeric value"

    I looked at the RecordID field, but there isn't a validation rule set up.  Any suggestions?


  • 08-30-2011 4:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Multiple tables on one screen & Error when copying a screen


    What happens if you click Update on any of the editable grids you have on the screen?


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 08-30-2011 4:45 PM In reply to

    • DanSchmidt
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 08-26-2011
    • Kansas City, MO
    • Posts 5

    Re: Multiple tables on one screen & Error when copying a screen

    The same error message appears if I clock "Update"

  • 08-31-2011 12:23 PM In reply to

    Re: Multiple tables on one screen & Error when copying a screen


    This issue was addressed here.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
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