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Sending emails to leads

Last post 10-23-2009 4:12 PM by Anonymous. 8 replies.
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  • 10-02-2009 1:16 PM

    Sending emails to leads

    I am trying to get up to speed quickly on this and got stuck.

    First I am finding 'fill list with' extremely slow.  I am asking for 'is active" - "lead statusonly".  I have been calling it then working on other stuff until it populates.  Is there something I can do to speed it up?  also can I stop a query once it starts, for instance to change a bad choice in criteria.  Can Customer:jobs be omitted, including only the top tier customer entry?

    Next I decided to customize my customer screen so the default is lead status only.  I think I did this.  I was noticing that my leads were being added to QB.  Now on the customer list screen I would like to see 'Leads' even if they have an estimate, which makes them active QB customers as well as a lead.  Tried to modify the filter view by but could not find on the customize screen.

    I set up a test customer so I could send out an email and added a new email template.  When I create an email can I use tables to format.  So far I haven't been able to create a nicely formatted email.

    Thanks  Michele


  • 10-02-2009 1:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Sending emails to leads

    Also tried sending out the template as an activity - send email.  Can't find the SEND button.-  I see now that I need to Save and complete.

    Have been able to send out emails from individual activities.  I have a picuture imbedded in the email.  The first couple tests I sent out retained the picture.  Now when I click on the Outlook message I lose the picture and get a box.  I have tried to save to server but same result.



  • 10-05-2009 4:54 PM In reply to

    Re: Sending emails to leads

    Hey Michelle,


    I am looking into your questions and will give you an update shortly.

  • 10-06-2009 11:07 AM In reply to

    Re: Sending emails to leads

      Hey Michelle,

    The list builder is going through your whole company file looking for items that match your criteria. This can take longer if you have a large company file. We don’t have a way yet that will allow us to stop the actions in the middle of running. If you want to do a search and omit Customer:Job you will see on the customer table we have a field called SubLevel. When you do some customization to include omitting clients, use this sublevel.

    I was thinking of your question about have a customer with an estimate but keeping them as a lead. Currently, once a lead is moved into QuickBooks because of a Invoice or an Estimate, this lead has now become a Customer, hence, un-checking the “is lead status only” checkbox. If you have a lead and you create an estimate, this customer is going to get put into QuickBooks because the estimate is going to QuickBooks. If you use the option "Waiting for sync approval" on the estimates page; this will keep the estimate out of the QuickBooks and your lead customer out of QuickBooks. This is one way you can go about it. The other would be to customize Method to keep track of leads even if a lead is moved into QB. You could use another checkbox for “Is Lead with Estimate”, this could keep track of your leads. If you do this keep in mind you would manually need to uncheck the checkbox.

    As for the picture in email activities, I am still looking into this for you and should have an update later today.

    Hope this helps you out.

  • 10-06-2009 4:18 PM In reply to

    Re: Sending emails to leads

    Thanks Ryan.  I understand the issues and can work with them.   Look forward to your info on the pictures.


  • 10-21-2009 10:10 AM In reply to

    Re: Sending emails to leads

    I have a similar issue. I am trying to fill a list and I click on "Lead Status Only" and "Is Active", then "Fill with Customers"- then there is a long delay, and the list is returned with ALL the customers on my list - not just the leads.


    However when I am on the customer tab and I select "LEads Only" I do get the correct list - the leads only.

  • 10-21-2009 3:59 PM In reply to

    Re: Sending emails to leads

     Hey Emsegal,

    Have you done any customization to this screen. On the default screens I am not seeing any problems. The delay is normal because of  the actions running.

    I am going to fool around with it more and try to get the same results as you.

    I'll update this as soon as possible.
    Also we are still looking into the picture window.


  • 10-23-2009 1:40 PM In reply to

    Re: Sending emails to leads

     I understand the delay - no problem. It is slow but I can live with it.

    However, on the filtering I have tried a couple more times and always get the same result - every customer is selected, even when I specify leads only.

    Do you want to have a web meeting and I can show you what I see?

  • 10-23-2009 4:12 PM In reply to

    Re: Sending emails to leads


     Hey Everyone,

    I wanted to let you know the good news. I was able to duplicate this, and we are applying a fix for the next update.

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