Hi Robyn,
It is hard to answer your question without getting a little more information from you. Was the convert to customer button supposed to be on your customized lead screen from your discussions with your Method Consultant, or is it something you realized after the customization work was complete that it would be useful? Do you recall speaking with your Method Consultant about possibly hiding this button from view? We can definitely give you some guidance on how to get this Button back onto your Leads Screen, but there would be a couple of different ways to do this, depending on how it was removed in the first place.
I will explain how we can check to see if your button was only hidden, and if so, we should be able to easily change it to be visible. If it was deleted then the process would be much longer, so let’s see if this works.
When logged into your Method account, go to the Tab labeled "Customize"-> then select the Tab Link "Screens". Locate your customized Leads Screen, if you don’t see it from the list you might have to scroll through the dropdown list above the table called “Show:”, and select “All Screens”. When you find the correct screen, hover your mouse over the row, and you will see an “edit” button appear to the left, select “edit”:

Now that you are in edit mode, scroll down the right-hand side, you will be looking for the row of buttons, it should look similar to this screenshot.

You are looking for “Convert to Cust…”. If it is not here, then it was most likely deleted altogether. However, if you do see it, then click the “Edit” link to the right of that row. Underneath the button name is a link labeled “Advanced”, click it. You will see a check box labeled “Hidden: invisible when screen first loads”. If this is checked, then simply uncheck it, and click the “Finish” Button. Now, click the Red “Publish" Button on the left of your screen, then click “Save & Close”. If this was the issue and you found this option checked, you should now be able to go to your Leads Screen and the Button will now be visible. If this wasn’t the case, then please go back to my first paragraph, and see if you can give us some more information. Hope this helps.