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Grid Filtering - Bug?

Last post 10-26-2009 4:33 PM by Anonymous. 3 replies.
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  • 10-15-2009 3:47 PM

    • Joe
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 08-17-2009
    • Posts 97

    Grid Filtering - Bug?


    Screen:   Customer List -> Grid Edit Wizard -> Step 3: Filters

    Object:    Customer Grid in first section - displays list of customers and leads.

                      Filter View: All Customers

    Problem: Buggy behavior when customizing filter views such as the pre-mentioned: All Customers.

                      Not all customers that should be displayed are appearing when custom filter is applied.

    Steps Taken:

    1) I added the following filter to the All Customers filter-view:  "IsLeadStatus is equal to no".

    2) I added the same filter to the filter-views for displaying active customers and inactive customers.

    3) I attempted to view the new grid display that should be showing all customers without showing any leads.


    The grid display only showed 4 customers in total.

    The 4 customers that showed up were not leads.


    However, nearly all customers in the table are not checked "[x]" as lead status only;

    ( By removing my filter and selecting a few of the records that did not show up, i confirmed this to be true).


    Any help is always appreciated.

    Many thanks,


  • 10-16-2009 4:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Grid Filtering - Bug?

     Hey Joe,

    I found the same thing, I am looking into it and will post an update as soon as I have one.

  • 10-26-2009 4:18 PM In reply to

    • Joe
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 08-17-2009
    • Posts 97

    Re: Grid Filtering - Bug?

    It looks like this problem was resolved.

    Could you confirm for me whether or not an update was sent out on this?



  • 10-26-2009 4:33 PM In reply to

    Re: Grid Filtering - Bug?

     Hey Joe,

    This is something we were able to fix quickly, some of the clients had NULL values for "isleadstatus". We ran script so that when everyone logged into their accounts, it would change all Null values to No.

    Short answer, it's all fixed up.

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