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** Run files.

Last post 11-03-2009 10:17 AM by Joe. 4 replies.
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  • 10-29-2009 8:52 AM

    • Joe
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 08-17-2009
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    ** Run files.


    I have made a batch and exe on my pc that each open a sample file.

    Would it be possible to have an action that gave me access to running exe or batch files?

    I'd like to tie method together with opening various excel spreadsheets and other valuable program features.

    I'd prefer full access to the command prompt if i had my choice, but it would be nice if you could have an action that would funnel a string of text to the START command to allow me to use method as a central entity around all these programs.

    This feature is very important to us. This would allow us to supplement method with programs that compliment its limitations.




  • 10-30-2009 8:30 AM In reply to

    • Joe
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    Re: ** Run files.

    Any news on this?

  • 10-30-2009 8:46 AM In reply to

    Re: ** Run files.

     Hey Joe,

    I am looking into this, I will post what I find.

  • 10-30-2009 9:35 AM In reply to

    • Joe
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    Re: ** Run files.

    Hi Ryan.

    Just to let you know what I was thinkin in my head about this.  <- just brainstorming.

    New Action: ADVANCED->Run Process.

    Example setup screen for this action:

    Run Process

    This action executes your text via the system console buffer, prefixed with the START command.

    START   [ TextBoxForMyText ]    

                          -- Lets say i type: "myExcel" "C:\Programs\Excel.exe" /r "\\server\sharedDocs\myFile.xls"

                          -- text string should be retrievable from typein, actionResult, or screen value as normal.

    The program would execute the following line thru the system command:

    START  "myExcel"  "C:\Programs\Excel.exe"  /r  "\\server\sharedDocs\myFile.xls"


    Throw that in a button and voila - any of our office users can open myFile from the server in excel from within method.

    I could throw in the same type of functionalities for any program our guys use. Leaving method as the center-piece to all their work-pc needs ^_^ ....


    SOOOO anyway thats the brainstorm dream.

    Looking forward to your reply

  • 11-03-2009 10:17 AM In reply to

    • Joe
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    Re: ** Run files.

    I've been considering the security issues of this action.

    First off i'd like to point out that no company is going to run harmful programs on their own machines. And if they wanted to do so, they wouldnt need method to accomplish the task.

    Second, if the primary concern is customers / clients accessing our account through the customer portal (something i haven't looked into much as of yet) i see no reason why method could not display a warning that screens may be capable of running, though unlikely, potentially harmful programs.

    It would then be up to the individual user to decide to, for example, select a checkbox to set our account as a "Trusted Account" thereby allowing it to accept the "Run Process" actions. If a user declines setting our account as a Trusted Account they would still have access to method information through our customer portal but when actions are being processed the "Run Process" actions would be ignored as if they weren't even there.

    Much like java or activex controls in a web browser. They have the ability to view but will have no chance of programs being ran on their machine without their pre-set permission (possibley on a method pre-built-in screen). This should keep everyone happy, from the close clients who wish to utilize everything we have to offer, the cautious client who wants more safety and method-only interaction, to our office workers and field technicians who can make full use of isntalled programs and files throught our network.


    I would love to see the benefits of this type of action. And I am doing my best to brainstorm security measures sufficient to keeping people in control of their safety without diminishing the usefullness of the "Run Process" tool.


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