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Problem with currencies in Estimates Method > Quickbooks

Last post 09-16-2013 2:22 PM by Anonymous. 4 replies.
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  • 09-15-2013 4:00 PM

    Problem with currencies in Estimates Method > Quickbooks

    Dear Support Team,

    I am a new in Method. I have tried to create an Estimate in CRM and sync with Quickbooks, but I have received this message in Quickbooks > Resolve Conflicts:

    Could not add/edit the Estimate 'RecordID 57'. Click More Info to learn more about which record this is. The response from QuickBooks Online was: -19807 - The currency of the transaction is invalid for $$customer$$/supplier/account.

    I have Quickbooks Online and I use mutliy-currencies. This Estimate in particular was for a Customer in the US (USD). I have no problems to make Estimates and Invoices for Customers all over the world in EUR, USD and other currencies in Quickbooks, but cannot make them in Method CRM and sync with Quickbooks. I have the same problems fwhen trying to create Purchase Orders for Vendors in CRM. My company is based in France and I have a french edition of Quickbooks.

    This morning I realized there was another problem: all the new vendors that I have entered in Method were entered in EUR in Quickbooks. I have vendors in USD and EUR. How can I tell method the currency of new vendors entered directly in Method? Is there a way to solve this problem without the need of deleting all the Vendors with the wrong currency in Quickbooks and entering them again? We have been 7 days updating all the info of these vendors and it is a pity to lose everything.

    Thanks a lot for your help.,


  • 09-16-2013 10:21 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem with currencies in Estimates Method > Quickbooks

    Hi Romina,

    I am going to have to look a little deeper as to why certain Estimates and Invoices aren't syncing over, with Currency being the possible issue.  However, I can explain briefly how you can change over the Vendors in Method that you want to be listed as USD Currency. 

    You can Export the Vendor table, making sure to export at least the Name field, Currency, and RecordID.  This can be done by going to Customize->Integration Tools, then click the "Go to Import/Export..." link.  On the next screen, choose "Export a table to a file" from option 1, then choose the "Vendor" table in option 2.  Choose the appropriate fields to export (using what I suggested at the beginning of this paragraph, and whatever other fields you want to see), then you go to step 5 and click the "Export to a file..." button.  You can open the exported .CSV file in Microsoft Excel, and locate the "Currency" Column.  For all the Vendors you want to change the currency to, change this column to the appropriate currency, for example change some from EUR to USD.  Save this file, and go back to the Import/Export Menu, and choose the option to "Import into a table from a file" in step one, again choose the same "Vendor" table.  For option 3, click the "Choose File" button, and locate the file you just made (and saved) the changes to.  You will come to the next screen "Prepare Data", just make sure that you choose "Update existing records by matching the key fieldsin Step 2, and you should be fine using the "RecordID" Column for this option.  Step 3, just make sure the columns from your file match up with the columns from the Vendor Table.  Now, click "Import Data" from Step 4, and this should update your Vendor records accordingly.  If you have any issues with this, you can follow this article which explains how to do this in more detail.

    If I require any more specific info from you regarding the first issue, I will send you an email message through the forums, but it might also help, when you get the chance, to send me an email at the adress below my signature.  Make sure to let me know the CompanyAccount name you use to sign into Method with, as well as the best email address to get back to you at.


  • 09-16-2013 10:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem with currencies in Estimates Method > Quickbooks

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks a lot for your quick answer.

    Should I delete first those Vendors with wrong currencies in Quickbooks?

    Another question: what about new Vendors? How can I select the currency for them when I add them the first time?

    Thanks a lot,


    Update: I have exported some Vendor's Records as you indicated. Under the column "Currency" there was nothing (neither EUR or USD). I have entered USD under the column "Currency", but when trying to import to Method, I have received this message:

    Error:USD could not be found as a possible value to insert. Please check the spelling.

  • 09-16-2013 11:25 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem with currencies in Estimates Method > Quickbooks

    Hi Romina,

    The issue here is that I am not sure we have access to the multi-currency option available in your Quickbooks version.  Method only has access to sync with Quickbooks fields that the Quickbooks SDK will allow 3rd parties to have access with.  Could you send me an email to the address in my signature with your CompanyAccount Name?  I need to get a some details from your account, and find out which type of Quickbooks Online/Method Account you are using.  I have made a request to our developers to see if they can let us know if we do have access to this field, but it would also depend on which version of the Quickbooks SDK (either V2 or V3) that you are syncing with.  I can only get this information if I can get your Method Account Details, as I can't tell from the forums.

    ....As I write this I received your private email, thank you.  As soon as I can find out more information I will let give you an update.  I would delete your Vendor list in Quickbooks for the time being though, let me get some more information first.  Because your "currency" column was blank when you exported the table, it likely means we can't get this field from Quickbooks at this time.



  • 09-16-2013 2:22 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem with currencies in Estimates Method > Quickbooks

    To Anyone following this thread,

    I informed Romina by email that at this time Method Online Accounts do not have the ability to sync multi-currency with Quickbooks Online Accounts that have this feature available.  We do hope to add this in the future, but it just currently it is not possible.  


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