I'd like some further clarification here, as there's also an ItemReceiptLineItem table.
Each shipment that the company receives contains multiple products, with different batch numbers and expiry dates. When a shipment is received, items and quantities are entered in the sub-table in the "receive inventory" screens in QB/Method. I would like to put "batch number" and "expiry date" as columns in thos sub-tables, just like "quantity" or "description". So I added "batch number" and "expiry date" as columns in the ItemReceiptLineItem table. But when I go into the "Items" grid on the "Item" receipt screen and try to add my new columns, they are not available to be selected. This doesn't make any sense to me: the grid is based on the ItemReceiptLineItem table and I added the fields. Why can't I add them to the Items grid?!? It wouldn't make sense to have the 2 columns in the "ItemReceipt" table, as each item in the sub-table may have differing batch codes and expiry dates, just as they may have differing quantities.
Thanks, and I look forward to your response.