Sorry for the piss-poor explanation... life has thrown a few things my way i'm not coping with at 100%.
Screen: New Activity (Copy)
Object: Custom Grid dragged onto screen. Grid is based off a custom table that i created called contacts.
For whatever reason, when i added a show message to a name field it worked perfectly -- so i deleted teh other fields and readded, as well as redoing the actions. The show message started appearing after that so i can honestly say i have no idea what the deal was with those 3 fields...
Although I do have a slightly related question:
When using the select link on a grid... i've noticed the action "Retrieve Value From Table" is able to use Grid:RecordID to find the correct name in the table.
But, if i use "Enter Value Into Field On Screen"" - and i try to say Field-Name is equal to Value From Screen"- Grid:Name... it doesnt work. Nothing seems to happen.
So why is it that retrieve value form table actions can use the Grid values...but "Enter Value Into Field On Screen".. cannot?