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Screen Customization

Last post 01-15-2014 9:44 PM by PeeWee. 3 replies.
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  • 01-11-2014 4:28 PM

    • PeeWee
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 12-09-2013
    • United States
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    Screen Customization

    How do I add Fields from one table to the screen of another Table 

    My field is not showing up on my customer screen . 

    Please oh please help me . 

    P W. 

  • 01-11-2014 9:34 PM In reply to

    • krp2203
    • Top 200 Contributor
    • Joined on 06-08-2013
    • Round Hill, Virginia
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    Re: Screen Customization


      I am no expert by any stretch but I believe First you'll need to know what table your screen is based on.


        Go to that table in  CUSTOMIZE, TABLES/FIELDS and click "Edit Fields"


        Add a new field as a DROP DOWN in the exact name an punctuation as the table that has the fields you want to pull into your new screen.

              (Example; If you're screen is based on the "Activity" table and you want to pull in fields from the "Cases"  table you'll need to add a new field as a drop down called "Cases" in               the "Activity" table) 


         click "Add A linked Field" at the top of the same Edit fields Screen you're on

         Choose the "Link Using" field that corresponds to the table you just added as a drop down (from the example above it would be "Cases") 


          Choose the "Linked Field"(s) from the drop down you want to pull into your new screen and repeat for each field you want to add.

    Once you have added all the fields you want to pull into your new screen  click "Finished Editing Fields" 

    You should now refresh your screen or log out and back into method before going to Customize the screen

    Hope this helps.  

    Tractors Plus Mobile Service,LLC
    Kenneth R. Parsons, Member
    P.O. Box 481
    Round Hill,Va. 20142
    703-263-1662 (fax)
    Toll free
  • 01-13-2014 10:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Screen Customization

    Hi PeeWee,

    First off, thank you Kenneth for helping with this answer, I believe what you said is correct, however I will do my best to simplify this answer for PeeWee.

    Essentially, as Kenneth was suggesting, if you require a field to show up on a screen, which is actually a field from another table, you will have to use the "linked fields" option.  You would do this from the Customize->Tables/Fields screen, and it is similar to adding a new field to a table.  Open the table that your screen is based off, then when you go to add a field, make sure to use the option "Add a Linked Field".  Then you can follow Kenneth's instuctions on how to go through the processes to add these linked fields.

    I would also suggest taking a look at our Webinar Videos Tutorials on Customization, I believe you will get your answers here.  If you are still having some issues with this after reviewing these Customization videos, post here and we can try to help you further, however I believe the answers you are looking for are here.


  • 01-15-2014 9:44 PM In reply to

    • PeeWee
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 12-09-2013
    • United States
    • Posts 2

    Re: Screen Customization

    As I was trying to Navigate through to trouble shoot I keep getting this error message : 

    Grid could not be generated . If this contiues please re-generate the screen or contact method staff. 

    Grid<table  width+"100% ><tr><td> <p> Currently there are no fields added to this grid. Please edit this grid in Customize >screens and add desired field (s). </td></tr></table>ScreenID:722.

    Thanks if anyone has suggestions ! 


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