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Fields Not saving on screen

Last post 01-14-2014 8:18 PM by krp2203. 4 replies.
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  • 01-11-2014 9:04 PM

    • krp2203
    • Top 200 Contributor
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    • Round Hill, Virginia
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    Fields Not saving on screen


      I'm working in the field services module, specifically the in the  "FieldService_AddEditWorkOrder" screen.  This screen is based on the Activity Table and I have linked the "Customer Equipment" table to it through adding a 'CustomerEquipment" drop down to the Activity table and then using "Add a Linked Filed" to bring in the customer equipment fields to my screen. I then created a drop down on my screen to display the customers equipment based on the customer chosen in the entity drop down. I then populate display fields on my screen from the selection chosen in that "EquipmentPicker" dropdown. All this works fine, but when I save, save/close or save/new the values in the auto populated make,model number , serial number etc. display fields do not save. All other fields save fine and I am at a loss as were to go from here.

    Any direction would be appreciated.


    Tractors Plus Mobile Service,LLC
    Kenneth R. Parsons, Member
    P.O. Box 481
    Round Hill,Va. 20142
    703-263-1662 (fax)
    Toll free
  • 01-13-2014 1:48 PM In reply to

    Re: Fields Not saving on screen

    Hello krp2003,

         It sounds like the equipment dropdown is not actually related to the fields you have displayed.  This means the text fields you have put onto the screen don't actually go through the dropdown relationship from the Activity to Equipment.  I'm not sure why, but I remember I have seen this problem before. But I must ask to make sure, are the display fields displayed as read-only or can you change the equipment field values from the activity? (ie. Your end goal is to be able to edit Equipment details on the activity screen?)

        I'm going to try to reproduce it myself and see if I can figure out what setting is misaligned.

    - Greg

    Greg Bilous
    Community Support Specialist
    Method Integration
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
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  • 01-13-2014 5:05 PM In reply to

    • krp2203
    • Top 200 Contributor
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    Re: Fields Not saving on screen


      The fields that the drop down fill are from the "CustomerEquipment" table and are added to my "Add/EditWorkOrder" screen through shared fields. I have it set up so if the customer has equipment on file in the "CustomerEquipment" table it shows in the drop down.  Once a selection is made from the drop down it fills in the fields that correspond to the fields in the CE table and are on my screen.  Once a record is pulled and filled I have it set to update a field on loose focus to update or make changes to existing records (this works).  If they don't already have equipment on file I can click "add new" and it brings me to my first text box. Once I fill in what is needed I have an "add new equipment" button and this adds the record to the "customer equipment table and is now viewable in the drop down. All tables and fields are updating correctly and as I intended but not saving the selection and keeping the fields filled upon saving and exiting. I'm thinking that I'm missing some setting to save the current selection on the drop down.  I had an issue when I first started using method with fields not saving but it was because iI was just using a generic text box and not a field attached to a table.  I'm rambling at this point.

    Tractors Plus Mobile Service,LLC
    Kenneth R. Parsons, Member
    P.O. Box 481
    Round Hill,Va. 20142
    703-263-1662 (fax)
    Toll free
  • 01-14-2014 2:16 PM In reply to

    Re: Fields Not saving on screen

       To reiterate to make sure I have this.  You have a drop down field that holds one, two or more pieces of equipment that is assigned to the customer.  When a piece of equipment is selected from the drop down, textboxes appear with values related to the piece of equipment.  These textboxes can be used to update and add  a piece of equipment for the customer.    

        I am getting lost with the line 'All tables and fields are updating correctly and as I intended but not saving the selection and keeping the fields filled upon saving and exiting.'  It may be that any save button/action on the screen will only save fields that are for the object that is related to the screen.  In this case Activities.  The Save function will not save equipment information.  You want to use Retrieve Value From Table and Update Field In Table to get equipment table values and save values into the equipment table.  RecordID would become the filter you use to pinpoint to get and update respectively.

        Things may be lost in translation here.  I look to the Invoice screen (QuickBooks_Invoice) for advice.  The action on the Item column in the ItemList grid is a good example of what I explained above.  I believe it is very similar to what you are trying to accomplish.

        If you can, you can provide image links (from programs like Imgur) to show your screen if it can explain better what you are experiencing.

    Greg Bilous
    Community Support Specialist
    Method Integration
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400 ex.756
    Fax: 416.640.6027
  • 01-14-2014 8:18 PM In reply to

    • krp2203
    • Top 200 Contributor
    • Joined on 06-09-2013
    • Round Hill, Virginia
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    Re: Fields Not saving on screen


      It seems you do understand what I'm doing with my drop down.  If I'm not clear I apologize.  What I meant to convay was that everything is working as far as my screen updating fields in the "CustomrEquipment" table  upon adding a new or editing an existing record from my screen. The issue has been when you leave the work order screen and return to it you have to make a selection again.  While driving today it hit me, Its my drop down.  I used a generic drop down and not the CustomerEquipment drop down that linked the tables. Totally a self inflicted wound.  Thanks for putting up with me and my nutty rambling. Everything is now working as designed.


    Tractors Plus Mobile Service,LLC
    Kenneth R. Parsons, Member
    P.O. Box 481
    Round Hill,Va. 20142
    703-263-1662 (fax)
    Toll free
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