Goal: Adding data into a hidden field on a grid using actions.
My setup to reproduce errors: 5 Fields in Grid. Fields(1-4) are visible. Grid:Field1 is required in the table. Grid:Field5 is hidden, but also required in the table.
Field Data Types: Grid:Field(1-4) are plain text. Grid:Field5 is a Dropdown attached to the customer list.
Note: Both the grid, and the table it is based off of, are custom built.
Statement true for the following (5) tests; Action Used = 'Enter Value Into Field On Screen' (Enter Into- Grid:Field5; Enter From- Screen:MyCustomer). Actions & Events used are executed from Grid:Field1.
Test1: Event:Select
Result: (Failed) - Selecting the grid cell failed to enter the screen's value into Grid:Field5.
Attempted: to select Grid:Field1-- Tabbed while cell was blank -- Filled a value in cell -- Tabbed with cell filled out. Grid:Field5 remained blank throughout the test.
Note: I'm not sure how this would have ever worked to begin with seeming as Select events are meant for dropdowns, where my Grid:Field1 is a plain text data-type.
//-- End of Test1 --\\
Test2: Event: Text_Change
Result: (Failed) - Changing text in the grid cell failed to enter the screen's value into Grid:Field5.
Attempted: Filled a value in Grid:Field1
-- Tabbed to next cell with Grid:Field1 filled out. Grid:Field5 remained blank throughout
the test. Also attmpted to click update, hoping the text change would be discovered prior to the push to table (this also failed).
//-- End of Test2 --\\
Test3: Event: Gain_Focus
Result: (Failed) - Selecting Grid:Field1 failed to enter the screen's value into Grid:Field5.
Attempted: Clicked in Grid:Field1 in the new row -- Filled a value in Grid:Field1
-- Tabbed to next cell with Grid:Field1 filled out. Grid:Field5
remained blank throughout
the test.
Note: Clicking update merely displays the error msg regarding required field (due to 5th field remaining blank).
//-- End of Test3 --\\
Test4: Event: Button_Click
Result: (Success) - Clicking [...] button in Grid:Field1 succeeded in enterring the screen's value into Grid:Field5.
Attempted: Use of button before and after enterring data into Grid:Field1.
//-- End of Test4 --\\
Test5: Event: Lose Focus
Result: (1part:Success / 1part Failure)
Attempted: Enterring data into Grid:Field1.(Success)- Hitting tab runs the "lose focus" event and correctly places the screen value into Grid:Field5. (Failure) Hitting the "Update" after typing a value into Grid:Field1.
Note: The "Update" actions are being ran before the "Lose Focus" event gets a chance to run. Following the idea that down press of the mouse button on the update button should relieve focus from the previous object, and the the up-ward release of the mouse button would then function as a "click" -- these 2 events are being run backwards of each other making it impossible to simply click update and having to abide by a "lose focus - then click" work around.
//-- End of Test5 --\\
Test: 1(Fail) - 2(Fail) - 3(Fail) - 4(Success) - 5(Succes With Workaround - Otherwise Fail)
Thanks for your time, and your welcome for mine :p.