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Chrome - Google Voice Extension - HTML In Phone Number Fields

Last post 02-10-2014 8:34 AM by Method_Adam. 1 replies.
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  • 02-07-2014 10:33 AM

    Chrome - Google Voice Extension - HTML In Phone Number Fields

    I noticed an issue using the Google Voice Chrome extension. When the extension's option is enable that turns phone numbers into active call links on a page, all my phone number fields (text fields) on the screen cause errors (due to length of data in field) in Method upon saving and persisting data. It's obviously due to the GV extension placing HTML in the phone number field being saved, causing the length of the data in the field to exceed the varchar length in db.

    Do I just have to pre-process these fields upon save to somehow strip the HTML out of these fields prior to Saving All Sections on a page? Is there an easier way to manage this? Any other guidance from Method regarding this situation?

    At this point I've had to disable the option for call links in the GV extension. It's a minor annoyance but I do live in the browser all day and make lots of calls using GV on my laptop every day for business. Obviously clicking phone numbers in the browser is easier and faster than copying/pasting the number for a call in GV.


    Blake C
  • 02-10-2014 8:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Chrome - Google Voice Extension - HTML In Phone Number Fields

    Hi Blake,

    As far as I'm aware, we don't support Google Voice, but I'll check with the team to confirm. I'll also see if there are any plans in the future for this and report back.

    - Adam

    Adam Lyons
    Manager of Support
    Method Integration
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