iPhone, iPad, android, tablet app
Last post 07-11-2014 2:30 PM by Method_Adam. 5 replies.
02-12-2014 1:19 PM

- Joined on 03-18-2011
- American Fork, Utah
- Posts 243
iPhone, iPad, android, tablet app
Do you post a road map of upcoming feature on this website?
I'm dying to know what is going on with the develpment of apps. Can I have a play by play? ;-) What features do they have? When are they expected to be released? I would love to be able to have a method contacts app. That way i could just click on the app without logging in. Search the contact and click dial! Would love to create new contacts from the iPhone app too.
Lance Brandow Method Customization Expert Brandow Consulting (801) 687-3254

- Joined on 08-06-2008
- Toronto, Ontario
- Posts 1,745
Re: iPhone, iPad, android, tablet app
Hi Lance,
If you haven't already heard, we've been very busy lately working on a re-haul of our Method CRM platform with a heavy focus on mobile use and friendliness on iPhone, iPad, tables, and etc. You'll be happy to hear that one of the first apps is a contacts app and are very close to a soft beta release with more details on this as we get closer to that date. Stay tuned!
Need more help? Ask us about Method consulting services.
Valbon Shabani Director of Education Method Integration Inc. Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 ext. 715 Local and overseas: 416.847.0400 ext. 715 Fax: 416.640.6027 E-mail: valbon@method.me Website: http://www.linkedin.com/in/valbon

- Joined on 03-18-2011
- American Fork, Utah
- Posts 243
Re: iPhone, iPad, android, tablet app
Lance Brandow Method Customization Expert Brandow Consulting (801) 687-3254

- Joined on 10-30-2012
- Toronto
- Posts 1,079
Re: iPhone, iPad, android, tablet app
Hi Lance,
Unfortunately, I don't have a release date for you. There will be lots of public information available when it gets released. Our Blog and Twitter are good places for this type of information.
- Adam
Adam Lyons Manager of Support Method Integration a.lyons@method.me

- Joined on 03-18-2011
- American Fork, Utah
- Posts 243
Re: iPhone, iPad, android, tablet app
Is it a web app or a native app? Web app means it isn’t really an app but rather an HTML5 website that looks like an app on a mobile device. A native app is a true app that gets installed and there are different version for iOS and Android.
A web app cannot cache data on your device. A native app can.
Can you find out if it is web or native?
Lance Brandow Method Customization Expert Brandow Consulting (801) 687-3254

- Joined on 10-30-2012
- Toronto
- Posts 1,079
Re: iPhone, iPad, android, tablet app
It will start as a Web app, but I believe the plan is to have a native app eventually.
- Adam
Adam Lyons Manager of Support Method Integration a.lyons@method.me
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