I can explain a way you could do this using Tags in Method, however there is no quick way to do this directly from the Listbuilder screen.
What you could do is first, make a list of of all Customers you created this invoice for, on the specific date. You can find this out by going to Customers->Invoices, then in the grid on the left filter out the date in question. All Customers in your grid now would be one's you want included in your listbuilder list. Once you know who the Customers are, you can go to the Customers->Customers and Contacts List screen, search for each of these Customers. When you locate them, click the "go-to" link in the grid, then when on the EditCustomer screen, scroll to the bottom and selet the Contacts Tab. From here, select the main contact from your list, then you should see a tag icon at the top left of this pop-up screen. First create your new tag, call it whatever you want (something to identify this group), then assign the new tag to this contact. You would do the same process for the rest of your Customers/Contacts, however you only need to create your tag once.
I am not sure how many Customers you would have in this list, I realize this could get a bit teadious depending on your numbers. The other option would be using the Import/Export tool in method to update these Customers in bulk, then import them back to Method. This is worth it if you have many updates, but this can be a bit tricky, we could help with some guidelines if you decide to use this second method.