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How do I merge Sections

Last post 07-21-2014 9:34 AM by Method_Greg. 4 replies.
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  • 07-16-2014 6:53 PM

    • afrec
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    How do I merge Sections

    I have two different sections that should be combined into one and be another tab added to Customer content.  I'm stuck.  Any suggestions?

  • 07-18-2014 7:32 AM In reply to

    • Matt
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: How do I merge Sections

    Hi Afrec,

    There is no way to automatically combine sections. All you need to do is move the objects (fields and buttons) from one section to another.

    Matt Raiser



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  • 07-18-2014 8:08 AM In reply to

    Re: How do I merge Sections

    Thanks Matt for the post.  You are correct.  In the screen designer, there is no merge function.  You would have to add lines to one section and drag your objects to those free lines.

    Have a good day,


    Greg Bilous
    Community Support Specialist
    Method Integration
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
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  • 07-18-2014 8:03 PM In reply to

    • afrec
    • Not Ranked
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    Re: How do I merge (Screens) not sections. sorry for the confusion.

    I created two separate tables that were automatically converted in to screen.  They should have been in one screen.  Any way to mrege them?

    Also wondering how to copy a field that cAn be inserted into another section.   Your help would be appreciated.

  • 07-21-2014 9:34 AM In reply to

    Re: How do I merge (Screens) not sections. sorry for the confusion.


       There isn't a way to merge two screen together.  You will have to create a new screen based on one of the two tables.  Then, add link fields from the second table to the first table.  Now you have access to fields in both tables for the one screen.  Take a look at the Activity screens and table.

        For copying a field to another section, this is not possible.  You can create a textbox and on click of a button, the value in the textbox can be saved for the field.  You run into a logic problem with copying the same field to different sections of a screen.  When you do a Save All Sections, how will the system know what value to store for the field if there are two different values inputed for the same field ?


    Greg Bilous
    Community Support Specialist
    Method Integration
    Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238
    Local and overseas: 416.847.0400 ex.756
    Fax: 416.640.6027
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