Hello Ben,
We don't have a default screen where you can find estimates and other transactions for a particular item. It is possible with some customization to manage or view items. I can explain how to do it with screens, but this is also possible with reports.
You can create a simple screen to do this. As an example, say you want to find all of the estimates that have one particular item. Create a new screen based on the Estimate Line table. On the screen, place a grid. For the columns, create a Link field called Select and columns from the EstimateRecordID and Item fields. (You can put other fields from the Estimate screen onto the Estimate Line table to use as an identifier).
To view the estimate you would need to get the estimate' s record ID and use it to display the estimate on the estimate screen. On the Select action, you would save the EstimateRecordID for the selected item into a Shared Result using a 'Assign Value to Shared Result'. Then have a 'Go To Screen' action to go to a screen based on the Estimates. For the Estimates screen, you will need an action on the OnScreenLoad, using an 'Assign Value to Action Result', to put your Shared Result into an Action result. Then after the action, use a 'Set Active Record ID for Screen' using your Action Result.
Here is an example of the grid.