I am having two regular, fairly high impact issues with Method to QuickBooks sync.
The first issue is when bills are entered in Method, they dont always carry over to QB. Often I will enter a bill in Method, then go to QB and see that the Purchase Order is still Open without a bill assigned. I have recently begun performing a changes only and full sync from Method prior to checking QB and the same issue is still present. This is frustrating as I have to duplicate work by entering the bill again in QB.
The second issue refers to Invoice Dates when an invoice goes from Pending status to final status. An example: We create an invoice on July 1st. The order does not complete till August 15th, in which case we change the ship date AND "Date" on the invoice to August 15th and then change the invoice to final from pending. This then syncs to method as a 'final' status invoice. However, when i look at the A/R report, it shows this invoice is severely past due as of August 16th, when in fact its only 1 day old. My theory is that somehow the invoice is still referencing the July 1st invoice date that was originally created when the invoice was created and saved on July 1st, even though we have since updated and saved the invoice date to August 15th. This creates all kinds of havoc with my A/R report as i am constantly having to manually change dates in QB on the invoices, so that it truly reflects what is and is not past due.
Can you please look into these two issues and advise how they can be corrected going forward? Thanks