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generate report action filter

Last post 10-17-2014 4:55 PM by Method_Inderdeep. 3 replies.
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  • 10-16-2014 11:03 AM

    generate report action filter

    How can I filter a report tio show the date range in the existing work orders grid from the generatr report action filter?

  • 10-17-2014 9:52 AM In reply to

    Re: generate report action filter

    Hello Marcelo11756,

    Can you please provide more detail on it. which report you are working with and what exactly you are trying to achieve? If you can provice me the detail, that will help me in giving you right answer.


  • 10-17-2014 11:31 AM In reply to

    Re: generate report action filter

    I made a copy of the job cost and profit by customer report

    Created a buton in the work order list, existing work order

    I want to show the profit and loss from the work order list in the date range.

    I want only work orders with completed status

  • 10-17-2014 4:55 PM In reply to

    Re: generate report action filter

    Hello Marcelo11756,

    You mentioned that you want the report with Completed Workorder in the specified daterange. In that case you dont have to add any button you can produce that report based on the stock screen. 

    Firstly, select the date range(From Date and To Date) on the Existing Workorder Screen, then on the Status filter type "Completed". It will filter all the workorder based on Completed status.

    Select the Workorders, then Click on the third tab Print/Email, then click on Selected only and then click on Job Cost Profitability by Customer button. This will generate the desired report.

    I hopr this helps!


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