Releases and Updates
11-07-2014 11:23 AM

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
November 7, 2014 — Many changes to Beta
We are excited to announce the first major update to Method:New Beta. We are continuing to gather feedback from beta testers, both within the company and also from you to continue to improve the product. Please keep your very valuable feedback coming.
Over 80 changes (improvements or fixes) have been made in a variety of areas:
- Public and Guest pages (issues related to picture displays, session expiry, navigation etc. have been addressed)
- Wide ranging user interface improvements & fixes (for more consistency, browser compatibility, and improved tablet (especially iPad Air) experience)
- Better messages for permissions panels
- Better Table & Fields management
- Improved onboarding process (better app installation for QuickBooks Online and Desktop, more informative messaging etc.); even more improvements are in the works in this area to make onboarding fast, smooth and intuitive
- Improved Add/Invite User screen (even more changes are coming to this page to make user invitation easier)
- And, much, much more.
We want to thank all the beta users who have provided feedback so far. Your feedback on these forums is critical as we get the product ready for prime time. We are currently working to address the challenges you have identified. With this release, we have addressed an issue related to calendar - hat tip to Mahlon & Victoria.
We look forward to sharing more beta updates with you.

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Releases and Updates — November 13, 2014
With this post, we want to share some fixes & improvements we released to beta today.
Improved Onboarding
- Method Classic users are no longer required to re-sync with QuickBooks to join the new Method
- Improved onboarding steps and mobile layout
User Management
- Isues related to active and inactive users list (and related permissions) within the Users tab in Preferences
Date Time Picker
- Addressed a number of issues related to styling and functionality of date time picker and date time preferences.
- Change" event has been fixed. "Focus" and "Lose Focus" events have been removed as the "Change" event can be used in lieu of them. ( )
Also, search now works with single quote within the search field ( and filter criteria no longer clears when editing a snapshot (
A special thank you to Mahlon who pointed out some of the aforementioned issues.
Remember, all your feedback is extremely valuable to us as it helps us prioritize and improve beta every day. Please keep it coming.
We look forward to sharing more feature updates and fixes with you in the coming weeks.

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Releases and Updates — November 25, 2014
We're excited to announce more updates and fixes to Method:Beta!
Improvements to login, invitations and onboarding
- User will now automatically get logged into the last logged in account. This is useful for users with multiple accounts. Accounts can be switched from within Method by going to the Right Nav > Switch Accounts.
- Easier and significantly faster way to assign permissions while you're inviting new users by making the invited user's (or users') permissions similar to another existing user.
- We have improved the onboarding to better account for scenarios where non-administrator users from existing Method accounts are trying to join the new Method. Now, administrators will be notified so that proper permissions can be set-up.
- Prevent duplicate invites to ensure login credentials assigned to all new users are unique.
- Addressed a couple of issues related to navigation in Manage Apps > Permissions and to navigation when the user doesn't have access to an app.
- Customizer users can now access custom apps they created without requiring an administrator to grant them access. Administrators can remove access if needed.
Calendar & Date Time picker
- Activity calendar will now shift to the correct time zone.
- Addressed an issue to ensure that the Date Time picker will set time to 12:00PM instead of 12:00AM (Thank you to Mahlon who pointed this out -
Your feedback on these forums is key. It helps us prioritize and improve beta every day. Please keep your feedback coming!

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Releases and Updates — November 27, 2014
Huzzah! Here's this week's bonus update.
- When creating, editing, or copying screen names you’re able to use special characters (e.g. /, *, ^, etc.) as mentioned here
- Addressed issue with making screens live for all users (details in this post)
- Fixes error of duplicate RecordIDs in some drop-downs (see Mahlon’s and Matt’s posts for details)
Invoices/activities/estimates created through an app ribbon has the right information
- When creating any of these from the app ribbon in the Contacts app, the information pre-populates with the currently selected customer
Remember to keep your feedback coming!

- Joined on 09-28-2012
- Stevens, PA
- Posts 879
Re: Releases and Updates — November 27, 2014
Thanks for the Updates!
We will keep the feedback coming...with the help of my new app to keep track of my internal priorities, limitations and workarounds. :-)

Mahlon L Fisher Computer Bookkeeping Solutions

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Releases and Updates — December 5, 2014
Hi Everyone!
Here are this week’s updates to Method:Beta. It’s a long list! :)
Calendar appointments — You’re now able to move, resize and create appointments directly in the calendar just by clicking and dragging (QB Desktop — mobile coming soon)
Activities app — It now takes full advantage of the new calendar enhancements, which means you can now re-schedule them just by dragging and dropping appointments
Drop-down tables — Easily create a new drop-down table by linking to existing ones or creating a new one
Login is faster — When you log in, the app updates are faster
User profiles — You can now specify what QB entities are tied to each user and edit their usernames to be more personalized
App ribbons — better ties/integration between apps for the ribbons (e.g. activities now links to the contact rather than the entity)
- Clearing shared results on screen focus — Thanks to Mahlon for highlighting this bug (see this post); we've fixed it now
Happy exploring!

- Joined on 09-28-2012
- Stevens, PA
- Posts 879
Re: Releases and Updates — December 5, 2014
I encountered this after the release.
Mahlon L Fisher Computer Bookkeeping Solutions

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Releases and Updates — December 11, 2014
Hello Beta Crew,
Thanks for taking the time to explore Method:Beta. Here are this week’s updates.
Details and bug fixes:
- Updated 'Conditional Statement' action to show value from loop. (Ticket 4860)
- Updated ‘Update Fields in Table' action to show value from loop. (Ticket 3953)
- Addressed issue with moving calendar events to last 30 min interval. (Ticket 5082)
- Addressed issue with null values for screen sharing. (Ticket 5186)
- Addressed issue with updating drop downs with invalid value. (Ticket 5177)
- Addressed issue with applying screen direct not being reflected immediately. (Ticket 5176)
- Added additional error logging. (Ticket 5178)
- Addressed issue with chart point click on referencing correct value. (Ticket 5167)
- Addressed issue with designer and filter view drop downs not working. (Ticket 5165) — See this post for details
- Addressed issue with drop down search no longer working. (Ticket 5159) — Original post is here
- Addressed issue with clearing shared result on screen focus event. (Ticket 5157) — Thanks to Mahlon for highlighting this bug (details here)
- Addressed issue with calendar not always showing all appointments. (Ticket 5135)
- Addressed issue with selecting a range on the calendar. (Ticket 5092)
- Addressed issue with ‘Refresh Calendar’ action not working. (Ticket 5112)
Please remember to post your thoughts, features you think are missing, and if you experience any bugs to the Beta forums.
Until next time, The Method Team

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Releases and Updates — December 16, 2014
Hello Beta Crew,
Thanks for taking the time to explore Method:Beta. Here are this week’s updates.
Details and bug fixes
Fixed issue where not selecting a contact would clear entity for activities (ticket #4977 — original post from Mahlon)
Fixed issue that deactivated users can log into Method (ticket #5203)
Login using Google Oauth2 (ticket #4791)
Looking for Alex’s customization document?
Alex has painstakingly moved the Customization 101 document to our new Help Center. As documentation and videos for the new version of Method:CRM are released, we’ll put the information and links there.
Remember, keep the feedback coming!
To make Method:CRM the best it can be, we’ll need to your feedback. Please continue posting on the Beta forums with your thoughts, features you think are missing, and if you experience any bugs.
Until next time,
The Method Team

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Releases and Updates — Week of December 29, 2014
Hello Beta Crew,
Happy New Year! Here are this week’s updates. As a reminder, Method HQ will be closed on New Year’s day (read our blog post for details) so we’ll respond to your forum posts as soon as we can.
Updated HTML Editor and fixes related to filters view in dropdowns, grids and calendars.
Details and bug fixes
Updated HTML editor to incorporate many suggestions that came in through the forums. More updates and fixes to come. :)
Addressed issue with reference numbers for QBO (ticket #4884)
Addressed issue when editing filters views for grids, dropdowns and calendars (ticket #5229 — originally brought to our attention by Mahlon)
Laid down some groundwork for Method:New trials, this is mostly behind the scenes.
Remember, we love your feedback!
To make Method:CRM the best it can be, we’ll need to your feedback. Please go to the Beta forums to post your thoughts, features you think are missing, and if you experience any bugs. For those of you using our apps as is, let us know what workflows you have that aren’t addressed or you can’t do.
Until next time,
The Method Team

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Releases and Updates — Week of January 5, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made some small tweaks.
Updated HTML Editor and fixes related to filters view in dropdowns, grids and calendars.
Details and bug fixes
Addressed issue with screens not always refreshing when using Go To Screen (ticket #5228 — see Matt’s post)
Addressed issue with creating Method:IDs and verification links (ticket #5291/5352)
Addressed issue where reports were not always generating (ticket #5354)
Keep your feedback coming!
Remember to continue giving us your feedback and any errors/bugs you encounter. We’re doing our best to make sure that your suggestions are noted and any bugs are fixed as soon as possible. Please continue to visit our Beta forums for updates and to let us know your thoughts.
Until next time, The Method:Beta Team

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Releases and Updates — Week of January 19, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made some small tweaks.
Several bug fixes! We’ve got updates for required fields, shared lists, loops and actions.
Details and bug fixes
Addressed issue with values returned by shared results (ticket #5485/5434)
Addressed issue with insert actions for required fields (ticket #4793 — see Mahlon’s post)
Addressed issue when selecting today’s date (ticket #5389)
Addressed issue with null expression values (ticket #5394)
Addressed issue with editing actions within a loop (ticket #5388 — see Matt’s post)
Addressed issue with Character function — Replace merge fields (ticket #5066)
Addressed issue where you’re unable to set a filter view on grid using actions if the view selector was hidden (ticket #5500)
- Addressed issue where having a chart on a screen prevented call another action set from working (ticket #5501)
Until the next release, The Method:Beta Team

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Method:Beta Update — Bonus for the Week of January 19, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s bonus release we’ve made some small tweaks as well as improved the file / image uploader experience.
Bug Fixes Summary
We’ve improved uploading images and files, added support for linked images on grids, simplified permissions and addressed some issues with actions.
Details and bug fixes
Improved the look and feel of the image/file uploader and added the ability to upload files from the web. (ticket #5030)
Improved permissions by consolidating the Access and view permissions. (ticket #5034)
Addressed issue with using image linked fields (ticket #5516 — see Mahlon’s post)
Addressed issues with Character function, Math Function and Date function not saving values in some cases (ticket #5236 — Beta forum post)
Addressed some issues using Method:New on mobile devices (ticket #5653)
For specific app updates, read Michael’s thread.
Until the next release, The Method:Beta Team

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Method:Beta Update — Week of January 26, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made several fixes.
Addressed issues with the Web Service action, guest pages and alignment, and moving calendar appointments.
Details and bug fixes
Addressed issue with selecting some dates in Firefox (ticket #5637)
Addressed issue with Web Service action not returning the correct response. (ticket #5521)
Addressed issue with Web Service action result not showing up in conditions. (ticket #5520)
Addressed issue some alignment issues with icons (ticket #5236 — see Mahlon’s post)
Addressed issue where some users were not able to login to guest pages (ticket #5619)
For specific app updates, read Michael’s thread.
Until the next release, The Method:Beta Team

- Joined on 09-18-2014
- Posts 39
Method:Beta Update — Week of February 09, 2015
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made updates to the help link, new user onboarding, bug fixes and UI cleanup
And….we’re excited to announce the new Opportunities app! Yay!
While most of the functionality is the same as the current version, we’ve updated it so it works with app ribbons and we have new charts that show you the statuses of your opportunities (have they won or are still open, by user, etc.).

Details and bug fixes
Updated help link found in right navigation (ticket #PL-61)
Improved new user onboarding (ticket #PL-66)
Addressed issue with installing new packs from Marketplace (ticket #PL-65)
Addressed issue with point-click actions for charts on installed apps (ticket #PL-106)
Addressed issue with filtering using values from screen (ticket #PL-107)
Addressed issue with filtering using comma separated list (ticket #PL-115)
Addressed issue with row click chevron for Firefox (ticket #UN-5774)
Addressed issue with search box on grids being too light (ticket #UN-4436)
Addressed issue with no search results on mobile drop-down causing drop-down to disappear (ticket #UN-3707)
Addressed issue with some controls having different heights (ticket #UN-4797)
Addressed issue with placeholder text not being italicized in drop-downs (ticket #UN-5753)
Addressed issue with drop-down text being truncated (ticket #UN-4996)
Addressed issue with text in field being cut off in the action wizard (ticket UN-5536)
Addressed issue with grid checkbox columns not having a fixed width (ticket #UN-4972)
Addressed issue with not being able to access preferences on mobile (ticket #UN-5760)
Addressed issue with how timezone was being displayed on the calendar (ticket #UN-5420)
For specific app updates, read Michael’s thread.
Until the next release, The Method:Beta Team