I created a grid on the sales order line table to display special order items. When I use the search field I get this error message.
I checked settings, etc. and can't find anything wrong. I am able to search the purchase order grid just fine.
This appears to be related to the Desc field in SalesOrderLine table.
I created a screen based on sales order line. Add a grid and display the Desc field.
Try to search... I get an error message.
I can replicate this on a grid based on both sales order line and purchase order line when the description field is displayed on the grid.
Advanced search seems to work fine
Hi Mahlon,
Sorry for the late reply. There appears to be an issue with the desc field as you've found out. We're submitting a ticket with the team to get this fixed. Unfortunately, I haven't found a workaround at the moment.
- Adam
Please let me knowas soon as you get this, It's causing a problem on two custom screens I developed
Any updates on this?
I don't have an update for this issue at the moment, but I'll try to get one for you soon.
- Justin
Just checking on the status of this. Getting an error message when trying to search InvoiceLine grid