When I create an invoice from a work order, the invoice# and customer Bill To & Ship To fields don't populate.
I've had this happen sporadically over the past couple months.....but, always when I save, open up another customer's invoice, and then go right back to the problem invoice, the fields populate. Annoying.... meant to write a post, but not enough of a thorn to do so I guess.
Tonight, one customer's invoice would not populate, even after logging out and back in again. I had to manually enter the info.
With a different customer, created another w/o, created invoice and again the fields did not populate. However this time, when I went to another customer's invoice and then back again, the fields populated properly.
I've modified the screens several times of course, but I don't *think* this is related, as it has been occuring for some time..and I got this one pesky occurence tonight.
Richard Martyniak,M.Sc. Entomologist
The Buzzkillers, LLC, an ALLFloridaBeeRemoval.com affiliate