App Updates
12-15-2014 2:17 PM

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
December 15, 2014
- Fixed issue with follow-up activities defaulting to completed
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
January 15, 2015
- Fixed issues with adding new contacts from app ribbon (ticket #4607,4189)
- Fixed issue with phone number overwriting postal code on creating new contact (ticket #4570)
- Updated filters in grids and drop downs with improved filters to account for QBO vs QBD difference. (ticket #5237)
- Fixed issue with othername not saving address info (ticket #5254)
- Updated app to be ready for the release of the opportunties app.
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
January 16, 2014
- Fixed issue with follow-up activity section showing up in cases where its is not supposed to.
- Fixed issue with GoTo Contact on activities not hiding.
- Updated Activities app ribbon summary
- Updated app to be ready for the release of the opportunites app.

Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
January 18, 2014
- Updated filters in grids, drop downs and snapshot with improved filters to account for QBO vs QBD difference
- Fixed issue where tax groups were not showing up on invoices. (ticket #4180)
- Updated app to be ready for the release of the opportunties app
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
January 18, 2014
- Updated filters in grids, drop downs and snapshot with improved filters to account for QBO vs QBD difference
- Fixed issue where tax groups were not showing up on invoices. (ticket #4180)
- Updated app to be ready for the release of the opportunties app
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
January 21, 2014
Sales Orders
- Updated filters in grids, drop downs and snapshot with improved filters.
- Fixed issue where tax groups were not showing up on Sales Order. (ticket #4180)
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 11-04-2010
- Toronto
- Posts 1,625
February 3, 2014
- Fixed issue with Auto set name when creating a new contact.
- Fixed issue with loading contact information in the Contact portal home screen.
Michael Melo Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Website: LinkedIn:

- Joined on 10-30-2013
- Toronto, ON
- Posts 139
April 21st, 2015
Contacts App
- *New* Added App Preference snapshot to allow users to set default print and email templates (Ticket AS-587)
- *New* Added Customer:Job field to New Contact & Edit Entity screens (Ticket AS-160)
- *New* Added Customer FullName field to grid in Contact List screen. Field is hidden by default, but still searchable using basic search. (Ticket AS-123)
- Addressed issue where Contact Name is updated to blank when Contact First and Last Name fields are blank (Ticket AS-623)
- Addressed issue where Placeholder text is visible on screen load (Ticket AS-594)
- Addressed issue where View Contact screen details were not updated when returning from the Edit Contact and Edit Entity screens (Ticket AS-156)
- Updated logic within View Contact screen Back button to close screen instead of remaining open (Ticket AS-149)
Estimates App
- *New* Added App Preference snapshot to allow users to set default print and email templates (Ticket AS-587)
- Addressed issue where App Ribbon text did not update when customer drop down changed (Ticket AS-545)
- Addressed issue where Sales Tax Item did not carry over from Estimate to Sales Order (Ticket AS-138)
- Addressed issue where Total Amount field in Add/Edit Item screen was not visible to end users (Ticket AS-587)
Sales Orders App
- *New* Added App Preference snapshot to allow users to set default print and email templates (Ticket AS-587)
- Addressed issue where App Ribbon text did not update when customer drop down changed (Ticket AS-545)
- Added Customer Message field to New / Edit Sales Order screen (Ticket AS-597)
- Renamed ‘Rep’ to ‘Sales Rep’ (Ticket AS-596)
- Updated naming of TagList field in Sales Order List grid (Ticket AS-614)
- Updated logic around how the Total Amount field is calculated in the Add/Edit Item screen (Ticket AS-587)
Invoices App
- *New* Added App Preference snapshot to allow users to set default print and email templates (Ticket AS-587)
- Addressed issue where App Ribbon text did not update when customer drop down changed (Ticket AS-545)
- Addressed issue where Total Amount field in Add/Edit Item screen was not visible to end users (Ticket AS-587)
Sales Rep App
- Updated Sales Rep List back button to utilize browser history (Ticket AS-585)
Payments App
- *New* Added App Preference snapshot to allow users to set default print and email templates (Ticket AS-587)
- Addressed issue where checkbox column disappeared on Select Invoices to Pay screen (Ticket AS-139)
- Updated logic to ensure new payments are initially created with a value of $0.00 (Ticket AS-132)
- Addressed issue whereby a user received an error when creating a payment record from a customer having a negative balance (Ticket AS-163)
Activities App
- *New* Added App Preferences to allow users to set default print and email templates (Ticket AS-587)
Terms App
- Updated ‘Terms is active’ to ‘Term is active’ (Ticket AS-615)
Jonathan Gamble Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Local and overseas: 416.847.0400 Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 Fax: 416.640.6027 E-mail:

- Joined on 10-30-2013
- Toronto, ON
- Posts 139
April 28th, 2015
Sales Receipts App
- *New* Added App Preference snapshot to allow users to set default email templates (Ticket AS-587)
- Addressed issue where App Ribbon text did not update when customer drop down changed (Ticket AS-545)
- Addressed issue where Sales Tax Group Items are not displaying in Sales Tax Drop Down (AS-588)
- Addressed issue where Total Amount field in Add/Edit Item screen was not visible to end users (Ticket AS-586)
Opportunities App
- *New* Added App Preference snapshot to allow users to set default email templates (Ticket AS-587)
- Addressed issue where App Ribbon text did not update when customer drop down changed (Ticket AS-545)
Items App
- Addressed filtering issue within SubItem field for Inventory Items (Ticket AS-622)
Jonathan Gamble Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Local and overseas: 416.847.0400 Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 Fax: 416.640.6027 E-mail:

- Joined on 10-30-2013
- Toronto, ON
- Posts 139
May 6th, 2015
Activities App
- *New* Added ‘Assigned To’ field to the advanced grid search (Ticket PL-580)
- Addressed messaging when deleting an Activity Type currently in use (Ticket AS-142)
- Addressed naming of Activity Category column in Activity Type List screen (Ticket AS-470)
- Edit Activity screen now saves changes prior to navigating to View Contact screen (Ticket PL-571)
- Fixed naming of Activity Status Type column in Activity List screen (AS-674)
Opportunities App
- *New* Added ability to edit Lead Source from Opportunity app (Ticket AS-442)
- Addressed issue where Opportunity app ribbons did not support the ‘new’ command (Ticket PL-653)
Jonathan Gamble Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Local and overseas: 416.847.0400 Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 Fax: 416.640.6027 E-mail:

- Joined on 10-30-2013
- Toronto, ON
- Posts 139
May 13th, 2015
Invoices App
- Fixed issue related to permissions on New / Edit Invoice screen
Jonathan Gamble Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Local and overseas: 416.847.0400 Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 Fax: 416.640.6027 E-mail:

- Joined on 10-30-2013
- Toronto, ON
- Posts 139
May 25th, 2015
Contacts App
- Updated App Description
- Removed App Ribbon from Edit Entity Screen (Ticket AS-769)
- *New* Added ability to add / edit Lead Source (Ticket AS-442)
Activities App
- Updated App Description
- Corrected criteria used for verifying required fields when creating a new follow-up activity from the New Activity screen (Ticket AS-755)
Opportunities App
- Updated App Description
- Corrected Opportunities App Ribbon count to include all opportunities (Ticket AS-695)
Invoices App
- Updated App Description
- *New* Added QBO Global Screen version for New / Edit Invoice screen
- *New* Added QBO Global Screen version for Add / Edit Item screen
Estimates App
- Updated App Description
- *New* Added QBO Global Screen version for New / Edit Estimate screen
- *New* Added QBO Global Screen version for Add / Edit Item screen
Sales Receipts App
- Updated App Description
- *New* Added QBO Global Screen version for New / Edit Sales Receipt screen
- *New* Added QBO Global Screen version for Add / Edit Item screen
Items App
- Updated App Description
- *New* Added QBO Global Screen version for New / Edit Service screen
Sales Orders App
Payments App
Classes App
Terms App
Accounts App
Sales Reps App
Jonathan Gamble Product Manager Method Integration Inc. Local and overseas: 416.847.0400 Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 Fax: 416.640.6027 E-mail:
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