I need know what are the key fields that I need to use with the INSERT API to add Alternate Contacts to existing QB Customers. Is there a document anywhere that talks about the key tables and the required fields needed for inserting where existing foriegn keys exist, like customers/vendors, etc. The general RecordID just would just create orphans in the Contact table.
I am using the MethodAPIInsertV2 interface to upload/transfer several hundred QuickBooks matched contacts from an ACT database into Method.
EntityType=’Customer’, EntityRecordID=767, FirstName='Joe' AND LastName='Test' to upload into the 'Contacts' Table.
I get an error of: ‘The field EntityType or EntityRecordID do not support Add’
I queried the Customer table to get the existing Customer RecordID matched them up manually in Excel. That is were I got the value 767 above. Is it using trying the 'Name' field to automatically index this or something?
How do insert alternate contacts into Method and tie them to existing QB customers?