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Can't login to mobile get error.

Last post 07-30-2015 4:53 PM by Method_Morty. 2 replies.
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  • 07-30-2015 3:07 PM

    Can't login to mobile get error.

    Main: Server could not be contacted. Please try again later.

    How long will this be down?

  • 07-30-2015 3:56 PM In reply to

    Re: Can't login to mobile get error.

    Hi Cindy,

    Looking into this now, I'll follow up with some information.

    - Mortaza

    Morty Barighzaai
    Customer Success Manager
  • 07-30-2015 4:53 PM In reply to

    Re: Can't login to mobile get error.

    This should now be fixed, the screens should now load 

    - Mortaza

    Morty Barighzaai
    Customer Success Manager
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