Well, I'm receiving the error if I pass any non-existent RecordId to the Update method. It seems to happen on any table. Code snippets below:
//from Method request wrapper class
public MethodApiResponse UpdateRecord(int MerchantId, string Table, string[ Fields, string[ Values, string RecordId)
MethodWebService.Service svc = new MethodWebService.Service();
string result = svc.MethodAPIUpdateV2(company, username, password, "", Table, Fields, Values, RecordId);
MethodApiResponse ApiResponse = ParseApiResponse(result);
return ApiResponse;
//Example call that succeeds
MethodApiResponse response = methodWrapper.UpdateRecord(1, "Activity", new string[ { "ActivityStatus" }, new string[ { "Completed" }, "68");
//Example call that fails with "API could not validate your log in" error
MethodApiResponse response = methodWrapper.UpdateRecord(1, "Activity", new string[ { "ActivityStatus" }, new string[ { "Completed" }, "99999");
The Method company name I'm using for this test is "rgsoftware".