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Field updates in W.O. from client list

Last post 09-22-2015 1:45 PM by InstaDRY. 2 replies.
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  • 09-21-2015 9:13 PM

    • InstaDRY
    • Top 75 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-24-2014
    • Orlando, Fl.
    • Posts 60

    Field updates in W.O. from client list

    I'm having issues with my recent customization.  When I get a call from a repeat client, I want to trim the waste by starting a new work order while on the phone from the calendar view.  From there, we want to verify their information as we are talking to them.  I cannot get the fields to automatically populate as you can see in the following images.Issue1

    Issue 2

    Issue 3

    Any help in automatically updating these fields in the workorder as the client has been picked in the dropdown or adding a new client will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

    M. Don Snyder
    InstaDRY, LLC
  • 09-22-2015 9:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Field updates in W.O. from client list


    If I understand correctly, you want to input a customer and as soon as you Tab off the customer the rest of the fields populate with that customers information (Number, Address, Email).

    There are different ways to achieve this, one way would be to add 'Text Change' actions to the customers field.

    Within the 'Text Change' event we will have multiple Retrieve Value From Table actions, that will retrieve the customers data and update a field(s) on screen with that information. Here is how it will look like:

    Which finds the Email of the customer and will match the customer by RecordID, then lastly update the Email field on screen with that information.

    Following this format you can have multiple Actions listed (in my case I only have Email and Phone):

    I hope this is what you were trying to accomplish, if not let me know and we take further look into it together.

    -- Mortaza

    Morty Barighzaai
    Customer Success Manager
  • 09-22-2015 1:45 PM In reply to

    • InstaDRY
    • Top 75 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-24-2014
    • Orlando, Fl.
    • Posts 60

    Re: Field updates in W.O. from client list

    That worked beautifully!!!  Thank you!

    M. Don Snyder
    InstaDRY, LLC
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