Hi Henry,
There unfortunately isn't a way to Automate the process of sending the email on sync. However you could definitely streamline the process of creating an activity for 8 months in the future through method.
There are multiple ways you could tackle this, one way would be to set up a screen based off the customer table and set up a grid on this screen. Then, you would set a Loop through Grid Action to be run. With this loop, would would need to use the Date Add function upon the CreatedDate field, to get the correct date in the future. The CreatedDate field does not change, so if you decide to run this 3 months after the customer is created or 3 minutes, the result will be the same.
The Date Add function will assign an Action Result which is a date. You would then use an Insert Records Into Table action using the Activity table to create an activity for this contact. Make sure to use the Action Result you assigned for the Date Add as the DueDateStart Insert on the Activity.
There are a few more things to consider here, like if we were to run the Script more than once, would multiple activities be created for the same contact? There are a number of ways around this one to. You could add a custom 'YesNo' field to the Customer table which is also changed during the Loop Through Grid action. You could then filter the grid to only display records which had this value set to 'No', so that they would exclude looping through records that had already had the activity created.
Thanks Henry. Let me know how you go and if i can be of any more assistance.