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Adding a new activity

Last post 06-08-2010 2:57 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 06-07-2010 3:19 PM

    • Reed
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 06-02-2010
    • Posts 3

    Adding a new activity

    When I was tring to had some additional information regarding a already existing customer ie, email address  etc. and clicked "save" I get this message and will not let me go forward.

    "The customer/Vendor/Other name could not be sent to Quickbook. This name is already in use. Please edit the name so it is unique and save it again."

    All I am dong is adding/editing a already existing customer. Could that be because I am not the administrator. If so, how will I be able to assisgn myself activities to do.



  • 06-08-2010 2:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Adding a new activity

     Hi Reed,

    Whether you are the Administrator or not, wouldn't have any bearing on that message. It could be that you are trying to add a customer with the same name.  If you retype the name of the customer in the 'Customer Name' field and click on save then that may cause that message to come up. When you are editing a customer, ensure you select the existing customer from the left, make your changes then click on Save & New or Save. Can you walk me through the exact steps you are taking and I'll try to replicate? I'll wait to hear from you.

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