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Display and filter by activity date

Last post 07-22-2010 1:19 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 07-21-2010 3:58 PM

    Display and filter by activity date

    I am looking to filter customers based on the record of the last completed activity for our call center. I want to be able to sort customers by the last time an activity was completed on their acoount. I have a customized customer list that I want to be able to quickly view all of the customers that haven't had an email or a call since a given date.

    I've implemented some custom state and region filtering, but I need a quick view of customers that haven't been touched in a given time range. What are my options?


  • 07-22-2010 1:19 PM In reply to

    Re: Display and filter by activity date

     Hey Kevin,

    I wanted to point out that phone calls and emails are both considered “Activities” in Method. However, they can be assigned an “Activity Type”.

    Examples: “Phone Call Incoming”, “Email Sent”.

    Let me know if you want to search for the last date based on activity type, or if you want to search for the last date of any activity for this client.


    Search 1) Find the last activity date for the client.

    Or did you want to have 2 search options like I have below?

    Search 1) You want to know when the last time you called a client.

    Search 2) You want to know when the last email was sent.

    What I am explaining below is how to find the last “Activity Date”, this includes phone calls and emails.

    First I would have this feature on the Advanced Search screen, this is because we can now search through all customers and vendors. You will need to create a date field(LastActivityDate) in the entity table as well as add the field to the grid on the "New Customer / Vendor" screen. You would then configure a button to search all your customers(loop through grid), and place the last activity date into your new field(LastActivityDate). You will then be able to see what date these customers/vendors were last contacted on.

    As for finding clients that have not been contacted within a date range, I will need more time to piece that one together.

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