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Ship Address Blocked on Estimates

Last post 10-20-2010 8:29 AM by Anonymous. 11 replies.
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  • 08-08-2010 6:55 AM

    • acldemac
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    Ship Address Blocked on Estimates

    I am not being able to use the Shipping Address on the Estimates screen - all the fields have a different back color and dont allow input of data.

    Nevertheless, if I Save the estimate and then Select it from the Existing Estimates section on the same screen, I can then type the Shipping Address and Save it.

    Does someone please know if there is any reasoning behind this behaviour, and how I could activate the Shipping Address Fields on the Estimates Screen?

    I have edited all the screens/tabs/sections/fields and cant figure out where the fields can be activated.

    Thank you,

    Antonio Macedo

  • 08-09-2010 9:59 AM In reply to

    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates



    I tested this out on my account and I'm able to edit the Bill To/ Ship To addresses on the Estimate screen. A pointer for you; make sure you select the Customer from the dropdown list first, before you attempt to edit the addresses. By default, it automatically pulls the Bill To/ Ship To addresses set up for that Customer, when you select the Customer from the dropdown list,  but you can change it if you like. Let me know if that works.

  • 08-09-2010 10:10 AM In reply to

    • acldemac
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    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates

    Thank you amanda for your prompt reply. I am refering to the case when there is no Ship to Address for that Customer. I select the Customer from the drop-down, and no ship to address comes to the screen. That is ok as there is no ship to address for this Customer. I am tryoing to use the Ship to Adrdress Fields to enter information directly on the Estimate and/or Invoice, without adding it to the Customer Profile. This is the behaviour of qB for this Fields on the Estimates and Invoices. I am trying to us use them on the same way in Method. Does this make any sense to you? :-)




    Antonio Macedo

  • 08-09-2010 1:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates



    If I understand you correctly, you would like to be able to type in the Bill To/ Ship To addresses on Estimates. Provided you are using the default Estimate screen, you should be able to do so.

    Did you customize the Estimate screen? If you did, then can you please try using the original Estimate screen to see if you can add/ modify the Bill To/ Ship To addresses?

  • 09-28-2010 12:50 PM In reply to

    • acldemac
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    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates

    Hi Amanda, sorry for the delay in answering to you, but was out of this project for a while - back onboard again :-)

    Yes, you are right - that's what I want to do

    Let me try to give all the info I can:


    I created a Customized Estimate Screen as follows:

    1. Create copy with "This Account" Option, from the original Estimate

    2. Chose the option "Replace the links to an existing screen"

    3. Even before I did any changes on the Screen, the "Ship to" fields were greyed out, and was not possible to write on them


    Today, I created another Screen:

    1. Create copy with "Method Library" Option, from the original Estimate

    2. Chose the option "Add a tab link"

    3. Even before I did any changes on the Screen, the "Ship to" fields were greyed out, and was not possible to write on them


    I then linked the original Estimate screen to another Tab and it also shows the "Ship to" fields greyed out, and not allowing to write on them. The same happens when I click on Estimate>View from Customoize>Screens


    Also realized when I click on FieldServicesEstimate>View from Customize>Screens the "Ship to" are also greyed out


    On the other hand, the original Invoice screen and one that I customized, following the same process as for the Estimate, does show the fields properly, and I can write on them without problem.


    I would appreciate any help you can give, I am puzzled as why the invoice is showing properly and the Estimate is not :-(

    Thank you,

    Antonio Macedo

  • 09-29-2010 4:27 PM In reply to

    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates

     Hi Antonio,

    Can you please let me know the edition and version of QuickBooks you are using?

  • 10-05-2010 9:17 AM In reply to

    • acldemac
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    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates

    Hi amanda, it's Quickbooks 2008 Pro

    Antonio Macedo

  • 10-05-2010 4:55 PM In reply to

    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates


    Thank you for the info, we'll look into this further and I'll update you on our findings.

  • 10-07-2010 1:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates



    Ship To Address is not enabled in your version of QuickBooks, since it uses SDK version 6.0. SDK is the toolkit that Intuit provides 3rd party developers, like us, so we can integrate with QuickBooks. In order to enable the Ship To fields, you'll need to upgrade to QuickBooks 2010 or 2011, which uses SDK version 8.0 - this applies to UK, Canada and Australia.

    If you don't want to upgrade, then an alternative would be to build your own Method custom Ship To fields. Keep in mind these fields would only be visible in Method and not QuickBooks.

    Hope this helps.

  • 10-13-2010 4:21 AM In reply to

    • acldemac
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    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates

    Great, I need to upgrade anyway - was just waiting for this issue to be resolved, so I wouldnt add any other variables to the problem.

    I will install the upgrade on the next few days and will let you know the outcomings.

    Have a great day.

    Antonio Macedo

  • 10-20-2010 4:49 AM In reply to

    • acldemac
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    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates


    Hi Amanda, this issue was resolved with the suggested upgrade to QB 2010. Thank you.

    Antonio Macedo

  • 10-20-2010 8:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Ship Address Blocked on Estimates


     Antonio, that's great! Thanks for letting me know.

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