Hi Katie,
Merge fields are a way of connecting data contained within your Method Database to your Reports and emails. There really isnt an imposed limit on which fields are 'Merge fields' per se, just about everything can be used as a merge field! If you were looking for a complete list of All the Tables and Fields in Method, you can do this by navigating to your Preferences Screen, (found by clicking on the Gear icon in the top right hand corner of your Method Account, and clicking on Preferences) and then Tables / Fields. The fields relevant to what you are asking about are going to be found in the SalesReceipt table.
We would like to show the date we received the donation
For the Date you received the donation, you would want to use the field Salesreceipt.TxnDate on your template. This should show up on your Letter in the format '05 April 2016'
I do not want to print the receipt, just the letter. How can I do that?
The Reciept is actually attached to The Donation Letter on the Template itself, so while it is certainly possible to remove it, you would need to customize the template in the Report Designer itself.
I need to address the letter to an informal name - like first name or for churches I will use "Friends". Is that possible without customization? I didn't see a place for that in the contact area
Are you wanting this to be context specific? Like some people are 'Friends' and others go by the name? This can be done, but it would need either some manual intervential on your part, or would require customization. If you were happy with one or the other (ie. just FirstName, or just 'Friends') you could update the template using the method I outlined in my last post to change the template to reflect this. for the First name, you would use the field SalesReceipt.FirstName
Is there any option to add images through this tool without using Report Designer?
For PDF templates, like the letter, you will need to use the Report deisgner in order to Insert any Images/Logos. For Email templates however, you can do this directly on the Textbox itself.
Thanks Katie.