Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Last post 05-30-2016 2:07 PM by Jack. 15 replies.
04-22-2016 3:17 PM

- Joined on 02-23-2016
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Page Focus Event Critical Bug
The focus event for one of my screens seems to be terribly bugged. As you can see, the count on the actions appear to show that there are indeed actions,

But the screen is blank,

Worse yet is the face that there is no way to add new actions either. Additionally, that page is now frozen and I can only get out of it by refreshing the browser.
the actions are still triggering on focus of the page, event though I cannot see thme, edit them or remove them through the screen designer.
My company name is belcovo1. The App is called Quotes, the screen is called Field Screen.
Support was not able to do anything to solve this. What can I do?

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Hi Jack,
I just took a look in your Account here and thats certainly a strange Issue. I tried making new versions of the Screen, and copying it Entirely, but continued to run into the same problem. Im going to open up a ticket with our development team to take a look and see what we can find. If you could provide me with any extra detail you think would be relevant that would help greatly. Things like;
- did you delete any Fields from the reference Table?
- Did you delete any controls from the screen which may be related?
Thanks Jack.
Ben Hargreaves Senior Support Specialist Method:CRM Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 Local & Overseas: 416.847.0400 Fax: 416.640.6027

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Thank you for your reply Ben.
This may be helpful or not, but I'll throw it out there anyways.
I copied that screen from an existing screen called Quote Details. I sucessfully made some changes to the actions on that screen's focus event (mostly deleting actions) and noticed the problem after I tried adding an update controls on screen action. This particular action had <div> and </div> tags, (I was imitating the format of addresses used as a link to Google Maps like it is done on the contacts screen). When I triefd to save changes to the event, it wouldn't let me. I forgot the validation error I was getting, but it was non-specific and would not let me save, so I cancelled, refreshed the page and ran across the issue at hand now.

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Hi Jack,
Thanks for the update. Ill be sure to forward this information to the team.
It appears that the OnScreenLoad actions have been corrupted in some way, and its possible that this is the cause here. Hopefully we can get this one resolved shortly Jack.
Ben Hargreaves Senior Support Specialist Method:CRM Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 Local & Overseas: 416.847.0400 Fax: 416.640.6027

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Again, thank you for your help on this.
I need to continue to make progress on this Method project, so if you could provide me with some direction, it would be greatly appreciated. Should I continue to work on the screen that I have this issue on, assuming the corrupted OnScreenLoad event will be fixed, or should I start over, assuming the bug can be fixed but not necessarily a fix to my existing screen.?
I won't hold you to an answer, I just would like to know your opinion as to which of the two options are the best.

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Hi Jack,
We should be able to fix both the Issue and the OnScreenFocus event on yourscreen, but I cant say for sure a definite Time Frame. You should be ok to continue working on this screen under the assumption it will be fixed, but if you Needed this one up and running ASAP (within the next couple of days) Then It would likely be faster to start over. These kinds of Issues can be difficult to replicate and Test, and we obviously dont want to give you a half baked solution.
This being said, if you were to start over from scratch you may run into the same problem again, in which case you'd be back at square one. I would say hold off until we can get this one resolved completely, and then continue to work on your existing screen. Ill make sure to raise this one again today with the team to see where we stand in the resolution process.
Thanks Jack.
Ben Hargreaves Senior Support Specialist Method:CRM Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 Local & Overseas: 416.847.0400 Fax: 416.640.6027

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Excellent info, thank you very much.
Will you let me know here when it is fixed or do I have to look at update logs?

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
If my attempts to use div tags in an expression for the update controls on screen action is what caused this bug (even though I could not save the changes) then I should point that that I am almost certain that I messed up and did not include an end div tag.

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
I do not beleive it has anyhting to do with the Div tags now, as it has happened to me again. Same screen, different version.
I made a new conditional statement, added an action into it, saved it, closed the event, opened it again, and an existing, different conditional statement would not expand when I clicked it, even though the button changed from a plus to a minus, so I deleted it. I tried to save but I got a mesage saying "Actions for Focus event are not completed.", so I then canceled and closed the event screen. When opening up the event again, it was now blank and froze up. I've lost several days of work, again.
Hope this info helps.

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
I have found a way to recreate this bug, and I have made a new screen called RECREATABLE BUG that you can perform the following steps on to see the bug in action and to see how it is made (mostly):
- Open RECREATABLE BUG screen in the Quotes app.
- Go to Screen Properties and click the Focus Event
- Click the Expand icon for the Conditional Event that has the comment “show admin controls” and notice how it does not expand.
- Delete this conditional statement.
- Try to save by clicking the Save & Close button and take note of the popup.
- Instead, click cancel and confirm by clicking Don’t Save.
- DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES AND SAVE or the focus event on this screen will forever be blank.
- Click the Focus event and notice how it is now blank and has frozen your page.
The only thing this page does not show is how that conditional statement bugs out in the first place. I have ran across that in the past a few times, but never the blank screen issue because it would always allow me to delete the conditional statement. I will keep an eye out on how to recreate that bug and will report back here.
In the meantime, if there was a way for someone to remove that conditional statement for me I could continue without losing any more progress.

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Is there an update to this? I still have this test screen on one of my apps iand was wondering if I could delete it now.

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I have lost another, completely seperate screen to this same issue.
As best as I can tell, the conditional statement bugged out after I dragged an action over it, but did not drop it into the statement.

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Hi Jack,
Would you be able to send me the name of the newly bugged screen?
We are very close to a resolution here. We believe we have fixed the issue from happening in future, but this new screen may have fallen into a fringe case we havent tested for.
Looking forward to getting this one resolved together!
Ben Hargreaves Senior Support Specialist Method:CRM Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 Local & Overseas: 416.847.0400 Fax: 416.640.6027

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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
It is called "Employee Details OLD" and is in the Production app.

- Joined on 06-29-2015
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Re: Page Focus Event Critical Bug
Hi Jack,
I just took a look into the "Employee Details OLD" Screen and was able to remove the Conditional Statement and Add a new one successfully. Are you still able to replicate the issue on your side? Or are you seeing it on any other screens I could see?
The timing of our newest code push, and you reporting the new screen failure are very close. its enitrely possible the fix hadnt fully made it to you at the point we spoke on Friday.
Thanks Jack.
Ben Hargreaves Senior Support Specialist Method:CRM Toll Free: 1.888.925.6238 Local & Overseas: 416.847.0400 Fax: 416.640.6027