Hi FurryWombat,
Short answer - Yes, QuickBooks closes fully Invoiced Sales Orders.
On the QuickBooks side, A Sales Order being 'Closed' and 'Fully Invoiced' are seen as two different statuses both ultimately representing the Sales Order in Non-Open status.
For example, if you create a sales Order in QuickBooks, and Close the Line Items (or mark as Closed) This syncs over to Method as being flagged as 'Closed', even though the lines havent yet been invoiced.

Then, If you were to Invoice this Sales Order completely, The Sales Order shows up as 'Fully Invoiced'

Notice that you now cant 'Close' this transaction, as QuickBooks has automatically flagged it as fully invoiced, and therefore closed. This transaction will show up in Method as having the Line items Invoiced, but the 'Closed' checkbox will not be checked. However the transaction will not show up in Method under open Sales Orders.
Thanks FurryWombat,