need one more thing.
I cant seem to make where clause work. I looked at ASP example and there it says you can create where like this Where (eg. Balance > 0). Tried things bellow didn't work:
'strCompanyAccount' => '',
'strLogin' => 'xxx',
'strPassword' => 'xxx',
'strSessionID' => 'xxx',
'strTable' => 'Contacts',
'strFields' => 'RecordID,Name,Email',
# 'strWhereClause' => 'Name = "FirstName LastName"', // Tried it with name
'strWhereClause' => 'Email = "target@mail.com"', // Also with email
'strGroupByClause' => '',
'strHaving' => '',
'strOrderBy' => '',
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?><MethodAPI response = "Failure. There were problems with running the query, please verify your parameters" ></MethodAPI>
When I run it without where clause it works but it returns all the data.
Can you provide assitance with this?