Hi Mark,
I have tried to replicate this by doing the following:
1. Created a Budget/Contract
2. Added one item to the budget/contract via the link ‘Add Line Item...’
3. Entered a new time entry by clicking Budget/Contract>>Time Tracking>>’Enter Time…’
4. Refreshed the TimeTracking grid and clicked ‘Go to…’
5. The Name field is populated with the QB Employee
Can you please verify the following:
1. You have linked your Method user to the QB Employee/Vendor?
2. You followed a similar process as I outlined above? If not, please provide the steps you took so I can try and replicate this.
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Valbon Shabani
Director of Education
Method Integration Inc.
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E-mail: valbon@method.me
Website: http://www.linkedin.com/in/valbon