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Saving Changes to Items QB Conflict

Last post 06-09-2011 8:14 AM by jnoneiliv1. 4 replies.
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  • 05-20-2011 8:55 AM

    • jnoneiliv1
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 05-17-2010
    • Richmond, Virginia, USA
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    Saving Changes to Items QB Conflict

    I'm having a problem saving changes to Items.  When attempting to save a change to an existing item where a non accounting, non QB field is being changed, or in other words changes just to custom fields in Method, a popup message is being returned which says:

    "The item could not be sent to Quickbooks.  The item is already in use, please change the name to a unique item and save again."  or, approximately this message, I can't get a good copy and paste out of the browser as it's a funny popup window.

    If I select another item from the item list grid in the screen I am using (custom), and the return to the SAME part I can make the change and save it without getting the popup.  When the error pops up after save, the changes are not saved, so the message isn't falsely reporting a failed save.

    This is very repeatable.  I had noticed this some time ago when trying to get an Attachment field type to work and when uploading files for attachment and thought is was related to the Attachment data type, but now I am seeing it on any field I try to change.

    I may be using the NonInventory table or the straight up Items table in the screen and I might try changing which one is used as further characterization.

    The synch engine on the QB machine updating the changes shows a simple "Ondemand from server.  Item 1" message, so the synch push appears to be communicating well.

    The audit trail is showing some strange messages.  Alternatively, it will show an entry that says "Desktop SyncEngine modifed the Item ......." or it says "For table "accItem" the record .....(and then goes on to show that ALL fields are updated)"

    I am confused as to why Method is pushing a change or requesting an update from the Sync Engine when non QB fields are updated, or why the audit trail shows an update to ALL the fields when only one field is changed.

    I don't think this is being cause for poor screen design (although very possible) as there is really only one event to drive this and that is predefined "Save All Changes" action.

    I'll try to characterize further, and I have a workaround as if I leave the part and come back to it in the same session the save will go through, but any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



    James ONeil
    O. K. Foundry Co., Inc.
    1005 Commerce Rd.
    Richmond, Virginia 23224
  • 05-20-2011 9:24 AM In reply to

    Re: Saving Changes to Items QB Conflict

    HI James,

    Are you editing the items in a grid directly? Can you send me a screen shot of the screen and error message when this comes up again if possible ( Or just the screen you created).


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 05-20-2011 9:50 AM In reply to

    • jnoneiliv1
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    • Richmond, Virginia, USA
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    Re: Saving Changes to Items QB Conflict


    No, in a detail screen. 

    But, now of course it's working perfectly.  I'll get a good characterization and screen shot when it comes up again.  For some reason it appears to work itself out as the system gets excercised.  It appears to occur with a virgin session.

    James ONeil
    O. K. Foundry Co., Inc.
    1005 Commerce Rd.
    Richmond, Virginia 23224
  • 05-20-2011 1:53 PM In reply to

    Re: Saving Changes to Items QB Conflict

    Hey James,

    I'm glad its working for you now. If it happens again you know where to find me Big Smile


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 06-09-2011 8:14 AM In reply to

    • jnoneiliv1
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 05-17-2010
    • Richmond, Virginia, USA
    • Posts 171

    Re: Saving Changes to Items QB Conflict


    I just wanted to let you know that I can repeat this predictably and I'll send you a screen shot.

    It's not a big problem and easily worked around, but a bit cumbersome when editing a lot of items, I'll characterize for you in the mail.



    James ONeil
    O. K. Foundry Co., Inc.
    1005 Commerce Rd.
    Richmond, Virginia 23224
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